D&D Monster Spotlight: Hadozee Resurrects ‘Star Frontier’s Yazirian

Spelljammer’s spacefaring, gliding, warrior apes are back and the Hadozee are ready to get to their ships and take to the Wildspace.
Spelljammer has always been one of the settings to bring the wildest stuff to Dungeons and Dragons. And in a game that already included Flumphs and Beholders, that’s saying something. So when Fifth Edition re-introduced Spelljammer back into the mix we, of course, had to check and make sure that some of our weirdest favorites were back in the mix. And we’re happy to announce that the Hadozee, the warrior apes of fantasy space, are ready for your next D&D session.
Star Frontiers
Way back in the days of Star Frontiers what we know as Hadozee were known as the Yazirian. This core race looked a lot like chimpanzees with a membrane stretched between their arms, legs, and torso that allowed them to glide for short distances. This version wasn’t quite as quick or nimble as the current Hadozee, and had a severe enough light sensitivity to require wearing goggles during the day.
Second Edition
Also known as “deck apes” Hadozee looks a lot like slender, tall, shaggy apes. Their limbs allow them to be especially nimble, which is equally helpful for climbing trees, ship masts, or sheer surfaces, and their feet are dexterous to the point of having apposable toe thumbs. They are warriors at their core, excel in melee encounters, and can use any weapon that a human can use. Plus Hadozee can duel wield with ease… or wield weapons with their feet. One a hand-foot mixture.
They train as sailors in groups of twenty to thirty from adolescence and don’t retire until they’re too old for spacefaring. At which point they return home to mate and raise the next generation of spacefaring, weapon-in-foot-wielding, space apes. They are generally neutrally aligned and have been known to have good working relationships with elves, so if you meet a Hadozee, they may be your newest favorite shipmate.
Third Edition
Though 3E still mentions that Hadozee is known as “deck apes,” it’s sort of implied that it may not be the most complimentary nickname. Only those who don’t know just how intelligent they are and the lengths of their skill of sailing would think of them that way.
In addition to their nimbleness when it comes to climbing, they also have skin between their arms and legs that allow them to glide when necessary and launch themselves towards the deck when helpful. In 3E a Hadozee you encounter is still likely doing to be a warrior or sailor or both, but they are noted to be generally peaceful. Friendly sparring is enjoyed as a sport or practice, but they don’t tend to engage in lethal fights if they can be avoided and they don’t usually hold a grudge.
Fifth Edition
The latest take on Hadozee isn’t much different than their previous selves at their core. But when you get it right the first time, why make a ton of changes? 5E Spelljammer does introduce a few varieties however with the Hadozee Explorer, the Hadozee Shipmate, and the Hadozee Warrior. The Explorer is most interested in scouring Wildspace for adventure and riches. They’re known to work as navigators and love exploring uncharted reaches. Shipmate and Warrior are by and large the same, but Warrior is noted to often work as a mercenary or pirate.
Have you encountered Hadozee in any previous adventures through Wildspace? Are you excited to meet them once more now that Spelljammer is part of D&D’s fifth edition? Would you enjoy playing a Hadozee character? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!