D&D: New Placeholder Spotted – Is ‘Shadow of the Dragon Queen’ Imminent?

A new placeholder page has been spotted for a “coming soon” D&D book. Is this holding space for Shadow of the Dragon Queen?
Exciting times at D&D this week. First Spelljammer launches tomorrow, officially. This means you’ll be able to set out into Wildspace on an adventure. But then also this Thursday at Wizards Presents, big news is in store for D&D. But before any of that, a new book has a placeholder page on Amazon.
We’ve seen these Coming Soon type pages before. They’re mostly there as part of Amazon’s requirement. In the past, they’ve leaked the titles of books well before they were announced. Though this might be one of the rare times where WotC has beaten Amazon to the punch.
New Amazon Placeholder Page
First of all, here’s a look at the page. This is a placeholder for a Dungeons & Dragons 2022 Release slated for December 6th, 2022. It’s the same standard $49.99 price we’ve come to know and love. And it’s the same mysterious cover image that WotC trots out to keep their secrets safe.
But this might be the one time we actually know what’s coming. Earlier this year, WotC outlined its release schedule for the coming year. We know that after Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, which releases on August 16th, D&D is headed for the world of Krynn.
There, alongside a new “battle game” will you find the final adventure of the year (so far). Shadow of the Dragon Queen promises an adventure that runs alongside the War of the Lance. It features the villainous Death Knight, Lord Soth, as well as cross-play with a new board game, Warriors of Krynn that will handle mass combats.
It’s a glimpse into a Krynn besieged by conflict. Heroes, Kenders, dragons, lances. It has it all. You can see it in the trailer for yourself.
But who knows, this could be a surprise announcement. We’ll have to wait and see, but likely by Thursday we’ll have the answer, if not sooner.
Happy Adventuring