Games Workshop: Pre-Orders – ‘Pricing & Links’ Arcane Cataclysm Weekend

Snag your copy of the epic spell battle between the Lumineth Realm-lords and Disciples of Tzeentch. It’s Arcane Cataclysm time!
via Games Workshop
Arcane Cataclysm $220
In the magic-scoured reaches of the Realm of Light, there are treasures of incredible potency buried under vitrified sand and shattered rocks. When a greed-driven expedition of Tzeentchian Arcanites seeks to pilfer the lore of a long-disappeared Lumineth seer, only the sharp eyes of a gifted Scinari mage stand between them and the secrets of geomantic magic. An arcane duel soon unfolds that will twist the strands of time itself.
Whether you are an enlightened follower of Teclis, the Mage God of the Lumineth, or a devout disciple of Tzeentch, the Lord of Sorcery, this battlebox provides a sizeable force with which to command the arcane powers of the Mortal Realms. It includes two entirely new miniatures – the Curseling, a powerful warrior-mage imbued with daemonic energy by its conjoined Tretchlet, and the Scinari Enlightener, an adept mage who wields the blinding power of light. Both armies bend the magic of the realms to their will, but the Lumineth Realm-lords pair their wisdom with regimented martial force, while the warriors of Tzeentch embrace the mutagenic power of wild magic.
Start a new force (or two) as you battle for control of the arcane powers of Hysh, or bolster your existing armies with reinforcements, including the Scinari Enlightener and the Curseling, both available for the first time in this boxed set.
Inside, you’ll find 55 plastic Citadel miniatures, including:
– 1x Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch
– 3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch, which can alternatively be built on foot, or as Tzaangor Skyfires.
– 10x Tzaangors
– 20x Kairic Acolytes
– 1x Scinari Enlightener
– 5x Vanari Bladelords
– 5x Vanari Dawnriders
– 10x Vanari Auralan Sentinels
You’ll also find:
– 1x 40-page Arcane Cataclysm booklet
– 1x 56-page Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Rules book
– 1x Token Sheet
– 8x Warscroll Cards
In this box, you will find all the Citadel miniatures you need to play out the sorcerous conflict between the treacherous Disciples of Tzeentch and the peerless Lumineth Realm-lords. Alongside these two armies you will find a book of detailed background information on the narrative of Arcane Cataclysm, and the two factions involved. Also included are warscrolls and battleplans that allow you to start playing with your new armies immediately, as well as extra rules content such as Region of War: Arcanova Trove, Iliatha.
Chaos Legionnaires $60
Chaos Legionnaires are elite, well-armed, and highly disciplined – yet though they march alongside the armies of the Dark Gods, these warbands have a shadowy agenda of their own. Sworn to the First Prince, the Legionnaires uphold a secret religion known as the Dark Creed, and strive with each victory to sow confusion, reap dissent, and bring their Dark Master closer to his insidious ascension.
Smash the enemies of Be’lakor with the cruel martial discipline of the Chaos Legionnaires. This warband set allows you to bring these armoured elites to battle, containing:
– Eight multipart plastic Chaos Legionnaires – 1x Decuriarch, 1x Mutandor with Beast Spear, 3x Hornhelms (each with a choice of Darkiron Mace or Steelbite Axe), and 3x Hornshields (each with a choice of Axe, Mace, or Sword), as well as cosmetic options like alternate heads and dagger accessories for each model
– A Chaos Legionnaires abilities card, allowing you to unleash the distinctive and deadly battle tactics of this warband in your games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian)
– Seven fighter cards for keeping track of your rules at a glance, plus two wound divider cards
This warband can also be used as a complete unit in Slaves to Darkness armies for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Rules for using this unit in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar are available to download for free from the Warhammer Community website.
Centaurion Marshal $42
Centaurions are terrifying creatures, their strength and skills honed in the Varanspire’s warpits. Charging headlong into the fray on iron-hard hooves, Centaurions wreak havoc with each of the deadly weapons gripped in their four arms – ensnaring, skewering, bludgeoning, and trampling any who stand before them. The Marshals are the strongest amongst their kind, risen from the arena into the ranks of powerful warbands and legions – yet despite their bestial ferocity, these are also creatures of great cunning and subtlety, sworn to gather warbands in shadowy service to their Dark Master.
This multipart plastic kit build one Centaurion Marshal, a massive eight-limbed warrior armed with an array of weapons. Rearing up on his hind legs, tail and top-knot swaying behind him, this model makes an eye-catching addition to any Chaos collection – and the gladiatorial style of his armour fits perfectly with the other denizens of Archaon’s fighting pits, such as the Chaos Legionnaires who share his worship of Be’lakor.
The Centaurion Marshal can join any Chaos warband in games of Warcry using the included fighter and ability cards (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian). It can also be fielded as a mighty Hero for Slaves to Darkness armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, using free rules available to download from the Warhammer Community website.
Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur $60
The Incarnates that haunt the Krondspine Range are terrifying entities – creations of pure Ghurish energy, protected by monstrous bones and guided by a bestial intellect. In their presence, reason crumbles; the minds of mortals are filled with savagery, and wild energies are unleashed with furious abandon. Even once tamed and bound by powerful heroes, these mighty Incarnates constantly strain to unleash their unstoppable might on the world.
This multipart kit builds one Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur, a fearsome monster of pure amber magic that can be added to any faction in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These maelstroms of primal power emanate from a massive chunk of amberbone – the potent realmstone of Ghur – and possess bestial skeletons to protect their crystalline hearts, drawing up a savage boneyard of horns, fangs, and talons suffused with swirling magical energies.
Realmscape: Cleansing Aqualith $75
Cleansing Aqualiths are magical shrine-engines used by the Dawnbringer Crusades to bring fresh water to newly-founded settlements. Designed by Collegiate mages, forged by Ironweld engineers, and blessed by Sigmarite priests, these floating metaliths absorb ambient magic to generate an endless stream of purified water. Cleansing Aqualiths can be found throughout the Mortal Realms, in growing settlements and abandoned outposts, chained to the ground and topped with holy statues.
This multipart plastic kit builds one Cleansing Aqualith, a magnificent terrain piece themed around the Dawnbringer Crusades. This floating shrine looks right at home on any battlefield, and can be combined with the rest of the Realmscape terrain range to build your own nascent settlement for armies and warbands to fight over.
Realmscape: Megadroth Remains $60
The Mortal Realms are inhabited by many strange and deadly creatures. The megadroths of Ghur are one such beast – titans that stride the plains and swamps, preying on other megafauna. When they die, their fossilised remains often become points of conflict – some seek to claim the primordial amber energy that still suffuses their bones, while others use the corpses as makeshift shelters.
This multipart plastic kit builds one set of Megadroth Remains, an imposing terrain piece themed around the wild lands of Ghur. This colossal skeleton looks right at home on any battlefield, and can be assembled as three separate sections – the ribcage, skull, and lower jaw – allowing you to arrange the fallen monster as you see fit, with an open or closed jaw. It can combined with the rest of the Realmscape terrain range to build your own Ghurish outpost for armies and warbands to fight over.
Deathmaster $35
Deathmasters are the greatest assassins of the Clans Eshin, trained in the shadowy arts of stealth and contracted to slay those whom influential skaven deem too dangerous to live. Armed with poisoned ‘weeping blades’ and toxin-laced throwing stars, these supernaturally dextrous killers have slain kings and warlords beyond count.
This multipart plastic kit builds one Deathmaster, a peerless skaven assassin from the Clans Eshin. Draped in a sinister, ragged cloak and training wraps, climbing-claws stowed discreetly on a belt, this lethal saboteur lurks amongst their teeming ratfolk kin before leaping out to effortlessly murder enemy leaders. Weeping blades and jagged throwing stars dripping with warpstone toxins inflict wounds that can prove fatal with a single cut – whether wielded by a taloned paw or prehensile tail.
The Lady of Vines $50
The Lady of Vines is the literal hand of Alarielle, cut from the goddess’s wrist and grown into a towering war leader. She holds true to the Everqueen’s summery war-aspect even in times of wintery melancholy, her song of wrath echoing through the very realmroots, and has slain countless foes of the Sylvaneth with her lashing whip-limbs and her holy spear, Kurnotheal’s Wrath. Even when she is cut down, the Lady of Vines is regrown anew to punish the enemies of Ghyran – as inevitable as the turning of the seasons.
This multipart plastic kit builds the Lady of Vines, one of the Sylvaneth’s mightiest warrior-generals, and daughter of Alarielle herself. Clad in elegantly filigreed armour and a skirt of living foliage, this demigoddess dryad strikes a regal figure, her head adorned by the Verdian Crown. The Lady of Vines strikes at enemies with whip-like vines and her blessed spear, Kurnotheal’s Wrath, this demigoddess dryad draws upon the power of the Everqueen to cast vital magics and do her mother’s divine bidding.
Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Aeronautica Imperialis Rulebook $38
For two hundred years, the Imperium of Mankind has laid siege to the galaxy, its all-conquering armies spreading outwards from Terra to unite all humanity under the Emperor’s banner. Now, as the galaxy burns in a brutal civil war, the Horus Heresy takes to the skies in the ultimate test of aerial supremacy.
This Aeronautica Imperialis rulebook provides complete rules for bringing the dogfights and airborne sorties of the Horus Heresy to life on the table, as players pit Loyalist and Traitor aircraft against each other in deadly aerial warfare. It’s everything a newcomer to Aeronautica Imperialis will need to learn how to play games set in the Age of Darkness, and a great reference book for veteran players.
Drekki Flynt $35
According to some, Drekki Flynt is the most dashing Arkanaut Captain in all of the Skyshoals. According to others, he’s a no-good huckster, a wanton pirate, and owes them money. Always on the search for his next adventure, the master of the Aelsling is a sky-pilot of rare talent and daring who talks big, boasts outrageously, and sails close to the winds of danger. A rogue and a thief, but – though he hides it well – a hero at heart, when push comes to shove, Drekki can be relied upon to do the right thing. Eventually.
This multipart plastic kit builds Drekki Flynt, swashbuckling sky-pilot extraordinaire and star of Black Library fiction – including his own full-length novel, The Arkanaut’s Oath. Armed with Karon, his three-barrelled aethermatic equaliser pistol, and Grunnsson’s axe – a combination axe and harpoon gun, crafted by his ship’s Runesmith – he is a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Stood atop the severed tentacle of a monstrous skybeast, Drekki’s custom aerosuit is emblazoned with unique designs that make him stand out from the crowd – which is just how he likes it.
Cado Ezechiar – The Hollow King $35
A tragic and terrifying wanderer, Cado Ezechiar has lost everything – and outlived the memory of the age that made him. A vampire who accepted the Soulblight curse as his people and kingdom fell to Chaos, Ezechiar travels the Realm of Death and beyond, seeking retribution. He is the Hollow King, haunted by the souls of those he failed, consumed by an insatiable bloody hunger, and driven by a burning need for atonement. Dour and cold, Cado is a man of iron control and ruthless justice, ever-balancing his mortal morality against a thirst for vengeance that would recolour the world in blood.
This multipart plastic kit builds Cado Ezerchiar, a vengeful vampire vagabond and star of Black Library fiction – including his own full-length novel, The Hollow King. A ruthless noble afflicted by the Soulblight curse, Cado carries a greatsword empowered by ancient silver runes, its imposing size offset by his inhuman strength. Surveying the battlefield with a vampiric snarl atop a twisted grave-tree, the Hollow King’s flowing locks and timeworn cloak whip in an ominous wind, making him stand out from the crowd – inevitable, for an avenger of such infamy.