Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘That’s The Question’

This Rumor Engine was almost dubbed “Dirty Hooker” but opted not to for “phrasing” reasons. So what would you call if? That’s the question!
In the end this one does look a little like a question mark. But before we get into all that your should really have a look at the latest Rumor Engine for yourself. Because it’s Tuesday and that’s just what we do around here.
“Churn the unguents, light the censers, and break out the extra dribbly candles – we’ve got an extra-special Rumour Engine ceremony this week!”
So, again, calling a Question Mark doesn’t seem so far off now, does it. And it also looks like a Fish Hook or one of those cartoon hooks that pulls folks off the stage — but a lot dirtier and way more rough. Hence, a “Dirty Hooker” you see. Yeah…still not the best phrasing.
Anyhow, naming aside, what are we looking at here? Well, at first glance this reminds me of a sickle. You know the farming tool. Only, this one is looking way rougher and doesn’t have a very pointy tip. It kind of reminds me a large fish hook, which we mentioned above. What’s just odd is the rough hewn nature of it.
Even the ghosties have better made weapons — and theirs are rusty and poxed.
At the same time, it’s got those two pegs in it at the bottom to fasten it to the shaft of the handle. So this probably isn’t stone or a natural rock. It was crafted…but by whom?
This weapon reminds me of that same jagged and rough nature a lot of the Orruk weapons have — specifically some of the Kruleboyz weapons.
Like they just took a hunk of metal and cut or shaved it down into the rough shape that it ended up being. And when they got close they said, “eh, good enough” and took that to war.
Now, I could be way off. But that’s the guess I’m going to stick with. If you’ve got ideas we’d love to read them in the comments! That’s the beauty of the Rumor Engines afterall. It’s a fun guessing game for everyone.