Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – 3 Wound CSM Maximum Overdrive

Looking at the Chaos Space Marine codex, I keep thinking- there are a crap ton of 3-wounds model units. Let’s build a mean 40K army!
The CSM codex is just full of these durable units. There are a few Elites and Fast Attack options if you want to fit as many 3 wound jerks into an army. You can guess what I am going to try to do right? The idea here is to maximize MSU 3 Wound options in order to create a board control army of CSM plastic dudesmen to try and well – control the board. All while being extra tough to remove on a per model basis.
We’ll go with Creations of Bile as CSM seems to really be an Assault based army. It wants to get mixed in and the Bile secondary helps cover that by – letting you get mixed in and causing some damage. I am sure you could do others but this game has another game on top of it with Secondary choices and figuring out what to do. Also as this is a get into your face list it does let you go into other directions for Secondaries too.
But enough of that – how many 3 wound jerks can we fit into an army? Let’s find out!
CSM 3-Wound Maximum Overdrive
Chaos Space Marine Battalion – 0CP
Legion – Creations of Bile
Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Malefic Talon/Helforged Sword, Warlord (-1CP) – Flames of Spite, Relic (-1CP) – Thaa’ris and Rhi’ol, The Rapacious – 170pts
Master of Possession – Mark of Slaanesh – 120pts
Dark Apostle – Mark of Slaanesh – 120pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – 50pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – 50pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – 50pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – 50pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Chosen X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh – 145pts
Chosen X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh – 145pts
Chosen X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh – 145pts
Chaos Bikers X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh, Astartes Chainsword X 4, Power Maul, Trophy of the Long War (-1CP) – Black Mace – 175pts
Chaos Bikers X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh, Astartes Chainsword X 4, Tainted Chainaxe – 175pts
Chaos Bikers X 5 – Chaos Icon, Mark of Slaanesh, Astartes Chainsword X 4, Tainted Chainaxe – 175pts
PTS: 1990 CP: 3
CSM 3-Wound Army Tactics
This is a pretty simple list full of board control and crazy 3-wound guys. I went with all Slaanesh as it will let a lot of units hit on a 2+. You can throw the double ability to have some advance and charge options as needed plus the bikers can be bum rush. The Daemon Prince is just there to be a mortal wound bomb. He comes in with a bunch of extra attacks that reroll to wound and try to spike some damage as needed. Plus the 3-wound army has a ton of bodies so you can do Banners, The Bile one, and whatever other thing you can think of. It doesn’t give up too many things other than having a lot of points for No Prisoners.
~Death to the False Emperor!