Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: CSM New Codex – First Red Corsairs List

There’s a new CSM codex and I have put together my first lean & mean Red Corsairs list to hit the tabletop.
With a new CSM codex, I’m starting to think about what I want to play for the next event I have planned. I got a few thoughts, some extra vacation time left, and an itch to throw out some CSM stuff. I know in some ways it is a bit more try hard just due to the Secondary objectives nature of the game right now – but dang-it I want to play what I want to play! So screw playing the best thing right now. I still want to try to win but feeling satisfied in my army looking good and playing alright will help me sleep at night.
Let’s Begin with Red CSMs
With that I have to start to look at my Chaos Space Marines and where to go. My army is painted Red so while I could play it as whatever it does usually leave me in the realm of Word Bearers, Red Corsairs, or World Eaters. I don’t want to play World Eaters yet as I know a new book is coming with sweet new Zerkers so this leaves me as Word Bearers or Red Corsairs. Part of me wants to do Red Corsairs because it is something we won’t see as often and I think I can build a secondary game plan that isn’t reliant on me just holding the center.
Working for Huron Blackheart?
With that let’s think of Secondaries I can do as a Red Corsairs player if I want too. The army is fast so I could go with 2 Factionless options in Raise the Banners High and Engage on all fronts. Yes I could do Behind Enemy lines or Retrieve Nephilm Data but I feel Banners and Engage are easier to score for this army of lunatics running as fast as they can across the battlefield. I don’t want to do a Psychic one as I plan on only running one character and 1 troop option. The third one is a lot harder. The CSM ones are kind bad and the Factionless ones are dependent on what kind of army I am playing against.
I get the feeling I am trying to get 30-35 points off of secondaries and that is a somewhat depressing number. The enemy will determine if I can do a few things so it is somewhat annoying to be left in the lurk for the 3rd choice to help you win the game. I really wise more of the Legion stuff was less Shadow Operations. The fluff really pushes towards that but the rules just don’t work the way you want them too.
Maybe Bile?
Heck it is making me think I should look at Creations of Bile but that is something else to fight with at a different time. Being able to Advance and Charge with your entire army full of close combat murder monsters will be very powerful. Or so I hope will just have to wait and see as I try some things out.
Talking Termys
I don’t know what kind of big block of Models I want to use. Part of me wants to look at Chaos Terminators but then I could also do Chosen. Both have 3 wounds, both can get set up to have interesting Invulnerable saves mixed with some spell powers. The Chosen can get an Icon which becomes very scary when you have a whole unit hitting on a 2+. Part of me almost wants to take Chosen as just a different option that ends up being a bit cheaper. But the Terminators just – they just seem better in the load out I am thinking about. I just really wish they could take an Icon.
Will stay with Terminators as a Relic combo seems to be a better option.
Chaos Space Marine – Tournament List Initial Thought
Legion – Red Corsairs
Battalion – 0 CP
Lord Discordant – Baleflamer, Relic (1CP) – Ul’o’cca, the Black, Warlord (1CP) – Flames of Spite – 175pts
Master of Possession – Mark of Slaanesh, Psychic – Curse Earth, Pact of Flesh, Delightful Agonies – 105pts
Chaos Terminator Lord – Mark of Tzeentch, Combi-bolter/Exalted Power Axe, Relic (1CP) – Armour of Badab – 125pts
Chaos Terminators X 10 – Mark of Slaanesh, Powerfist X 4, Combi-Flamer X 4, Relic (1CP) – Black Rune of Damnation – 385pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Possessed X 5 – 140pts
Master of Executions – Mark of Khorne – 80pts
Legionaires X 5 – Mark of Khorne, Icon, Astartes Chainsword X 4, Tainted Chainaxe X 1 – 115pts
Legionaires X 5 – Mark of Khorne, Icon, Astartes Chainsword X 4, Tainted Chainaxe X 1 – 115pts
Cultists Mob X 10 – 50pts
Chaos Bikers X 9 – Icon, Mark of Khorne, Combi-Flamer X 2, Astartes Chainsword X 8, Tainted Chainaxe X 1 – 305pts
Chaos Spawn X 2 – 50pts
Chaos Spawn X 2 – 50pts
PTs: 1980 CP: 2
Red Corsairs Tactics
This again is a pretty simple board control army. It is lacking some shooting firepower but it does make up for it with a ton of bodies to run around the tabletop. You have the “bad” Chaos Lord buffing the Terminators with a 4+ inv save and you can throw FNP on them. The Master of Possession is hanging around too and while his power set up might not be the best he is really just planning on healing things and causing as much other issues as you can. I am not sure about the Legionaires and might just make them back up casters but will see as I mess with stuff.
The suicide CSM Biker unit can do a lot of damage too and again I have a ton of Flamers all over which with the advance and charge abilities of the army I can still throw out a ton of damage as needed. The little hidden Master of Executions assassin seems well placed too. I thought about going with a Sorcerer with Terminator armor but those powers are really just bad beyond Prescience – which has a too high Warp Charge to fully stomach.
Will this list let me win games? Sure and it is fast enough to get into Necrons and cause some problems. I do like all the Flamers and the crazy combo mortal wound bomb that is the Disco lord. Will just see as I get something on the table and figure out if I go with bodies to do things or just sheer crazy monsters of destruction that I always like to play. There is the thought to just say 3 Lord Discos and as many Daemon Engines I can muster.
For the Warmaster!