Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – New & Improved Chaos Knights

Goatboy here and I played Lone Star Open with my new & imrpoved Chaos Knights a few weeks ago. Here’s what I learned.
I almost changed my list up but the event had lists locked. I didn’t want to get a yellow card. But I definitely think some changes could have been done to update it and hopefully shore up some of the match ups.
Tuning & Tweaking Chaos Knights
First I don’t want to add Abaddon no matter how awesome he is with Chaos Knights. I don’t really want to paint one up and while it is cool he works – it still doesn’t feel right in my mind to have him leading my Knights around. I always feel like I want to win with the main army I am playing with and don’t want to get all – Agents of Chaos like – no matter how good it is (Shout out to Kevin for running the bad man who was painted very well). This leads me into other directions to figure out what nonsense I want to run.
First of all – still don’t like the Abominant. I have a nicely painted one but feel he just doesn’t fit in the current environment. He works well as an Iconoclast as he gains that extra needed AP. But in my Infernal options I would rather go with something that hits harder – if I run a big Knight. Last time I ran a Rampager. While hilarious in a lot of games he just wasn’t nearly as good as I would want him to be. This leads me into a different direction, back to the Desacrator. I think his gun kinda sucks but in Vextrix he is better. A free Reroll to hit and one to wound means those 2 to 3 shots (Relic) actually mean something. Add up the hits on a 2+ in close combat mixed with a fun reroll Aura and you might have something.
Woof Woof War Dogs
I do agree the better army is all War Dogs but if you are bringing the Dawgs out you need a cool as heck leader to lead them around. This the big fat Knight I amp up with a ton of dumb warlord traits, the teleport mark, and probably the relic gun. I like the Teleport each game and the only time I was left wanting was when he wasn’t on the table to generate a CP. It has me thinking I need to Warlord a Wardog – but that just doesn’t feel right. I also get nothing to double Warlord Trait him up so screw it and screw good competitive ideas!
Alright enough chatter let’s go to the list.
Chaos Let the Dawgs Out!
Super-Heavy Detachment – Chaos Knights – 0CP
Infernal House Vextrix
Knight Desecrator – Warlord (-1CP) – Knight Diabolus, Tyrant (-1CP) – Eager for the Kill, Relic (-1CP) – The Diamonds, Warpstrike Claw, Warp-Borne Stalker – 430pts
Wardog Karnivore – Relic (-1CP) – Heretek Power Core, Throne Mechanicum of Skulls, Diabolus Heavy Stubber – 155pts
War Dog Executioner X 3 – Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3 Mirror of Fates, Relic (-1CP) – Helm of Dogs – 480pts
War Dog Brigand X 3 – Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3 – 465pts
War Dog Brigand X 3 – Diabolus Heavy Stubber X 3 – 465pts
Pts: 1995 CP: 1
Running the New & Improved Chaos Knight Dawgs
This is a pretty simple list that tries to just shoot more with a few assault tricks. The Karnivore is set up to move faster, hit harder, and just be a pain in the butt. I hope to have it hit a unit quick, get Favour, and then hit something else bigger with all its attacks. The Brigands have been shown to me to be a heck of a lot better. I would run the old close combat variants. But the extra “bonus” firepower from the Chain cannons really help in the Eldar match up. They don’t like random bullets being thrown in their direction. Especially if you give other units the exploding 6’s Strat to help things out.
The Desecrator is the most end choice but it might do some work. It is set up like the bowling ball Rampager just with a better chance to pop something big with its super laser gun that normally does jack. It also costs the same with 1 less attack. But it does let me deep strike it in a way that is less needing the bowling ball to hit and maybe it comes, sits on an objective and throws out super lasers.
How are you running the new & improved Chaos Knights?