Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – What We Need From Codex World Eaters

What do we really need to see in the upcoming Codex World Eaters? This of course!
I don’t know about you but that small little kernel of World Eater goodness we got this last week had me thinking – what the heck do I even want out of this book? What kind of sociopathic nonsense needs to be printed in glorious hardcover goodness? What can ultimately satisfy me enough to fully commit to painting a white and blue World Eaters Army?
World Eaters Looking Good!
Well first off the Horus Heresy shoulder pads and helmets are one way to really have me contemplating going all in on the eaters of worlds. Those helmets look pretty dang sweet and putting the logo of the legion in a big bronze circle that reminds you of a giant nail head is another. If you didn’t feel like throwing down with those murder hobos then I don’t know what kind of Chaos player you are. They looked pretty good and should be a pain in the butt to get as everyone else wants to pile into the station wagon of murder.
Oh and the regular Zerker in red and gold looked pretty dang sweet too. If the rest of the kit is as nice or better looking then it might keep me from going fully blue and white but will see. Either way, the little bits of model goodness were great appetizers to what is hopefully an awesome meal of blood-crazed nonsense.
Blood-handed Rules?
So what do I want from the rules? Well, obviously they need to get an actual full release. This needs to be more than a few pages of units and a simple update – it needs legit bits of Khorne nonsense. My hope is we finally get some kind of Juggernaut Berzerkers as fitting an army of lunatics. That is probably my biggest desire in all of this.
Give us a 3-unit kit where you can make one of them a true leader of Khorne. Will call the character one the “Skull Daddy” and we can build out some crazy nonsense. He has some kind of super axe that is two-handed, causes mortal wounds, and lets you give it a true name that rhymes with blood. Or at the very least just let us have a unit that runs around and does stuff.
From there I am hoping to also see a new Terminator kit or at least some kind of upgrade pack to add to the new CSM ones. Something that isn’t just you finding some of the FW upgrades or having to figure out some way to make them look Khorne like. They are supposed to be Butchers and it would be neat to have something come out to make for a unique unit.
Angron’s Angry
We know Angron is coming and it looks like there are some kind of weird Beastman cultist options. Both of these are cool and hopefully decent. Angron is one of those wishlist models we have heard about for a while. In a lot of ways, he should be like Mortarion but instead of magic he just needs to be faster. His whole point is crashing into things which means he has to get there. We will see if he has some rules to let him survive the onslaught of death designed to knock the skulls off of his armor plates.
Angry Rules?
From there on the rules front it is weird we are only seeing 1 Secondary in the new Nephilim book. I do wonder if will get the 3 like the other bespoke Chaos books but without seeing any shown it makes me think we might not. Or the book is farther out than we thought just due to the nature of Daemons getting 3 and their book coming out soon. With all the chatter on 10th Edition blowing things up it makes me hope that the book is good enough to survive the majority of its rules coming in whatever format we get for 10th.
The book needs to let you be fast enough to get there with enough models to get something done. I don’t want it to just be so insane it doesn’t matter what the opponent does. Having armies be fast enough to oppress you where you feel like you can’t do anything is not good for the game (Initial Harlies release). But the army still needs to feel like it actually does work.
What do you want out of World Eaters? Are you excited for the new book? I know assault lists can be hit or miss but I really hope this one ends up working well enough to be decent.
Are you going white and blue or looking at the old Red and Gold?