Kill Team: Free Core Rules And New Intercessor Team Rules Download

Download the new Kill Team Rules for free along with a free Intercessor Team rules download.
Kill Team: Into the Dark is coming and with it a rules update is also rolling out for Kill Team. Today, you can download the rules from Games Workshop and give them a go yourself.
“Kill Team is easy to learn but takes a canny strategic mind to master, and you can begin your path to spec ops stardom with this free, abridged rules download. All the basic rules needed to complete your mission are present and correct, including a reference sheet for common weapon abilities. “
Download Kill Team Core Rules Here
If you notice from the Download, these are the “lite rules 1.0” which are the essential rules for Kill Team. You’ll still need rules for the individual Kill Teams. You’ll be able to find those in the Kill Team Compendium. The good news is that Kill Team has rules for every army in 40k, so if you have a 40k army, you’ll be able to jump right into Kill Team with very little investment.
But what if you just want to dabble a little before you pick-up any Kill Team extras? Well, if you have some Space Marine Intercessors laying around (and, I mean, who doesn’t at this point) you can dive in with another free download.
Download Intercessor Squad Rules For Kill Team
“The Intercession Squad is a fully fleshed-out kill team, with a complete set of rules including Equipment, Tac Ops, Strategic Ploys, and Tactical Ploys. The Assault Intercessor Sergeant is worth a mention on his own – once armed with a power fist or thunder hammer, he’s a terrifying powerhouse of the Emperor’s wrath in close combat.”
Yep – if you’ve got Intercessors (either regular or Assault) you can build this Kill Team. You can even mix-and-match if you want! And, as it turns out, Space Marine Intercessors are pretty good for Kill Team games, too.
With these two sets of free downloads anyone with Primaris Intercessors can give Kill Team a go. And if you still have questions, check out our How to Play video above!
Kill Team game are fast, tactical, and don’t require a ton of stuff! Why not give one a go as a palette cleanser between your 40k games?