Warcry: Exciting New Rules for a New Edition

The Realm of Beasts is a savage place, and your warbands will need some new tricks to survive.
The new Heart of Ghur box is up for preorder this weekend, and it’s got a ton of exciting stuff inside. We’ve already talked about all the reasons you’ll want the box itself, but even outside that the new box is bringing us a brand new edition of Warcry. Updated rules, new actions, and brand-new dangers will make your skirmish games more exciting than ever before. There’s a lot of new stuff coming to this new edition, but there are a few big changes that stand out above the others.
While Warcry is an exciting and fast-paced game, it can still get a little monotonous as you pass the activation coin back and forth. Games Workshop knows this, and taking a cue from their recent Horus Heresy, they have added Reactions to the game. Every Warband has its own unique reaction, like a blast of fiery air or a savage pounce, and there are a few universal reactions that any warrior can take. This will make games of Warcry more dynamic, and make the battles feel more like a skirmish rather than a game of chess.
New Rules
All the old factions for each Grand Alliance have been updated for the new edition. Some have upgraded weapons, some saw points changes, and a few factions got updates to their special abilities. Of course, all the factions are also getting gnarly reactions to throw at their opponents, so generals need to stay on their toes to counter brand new challenges. If you want to check out all the new rules for Chaos, Order, Destruction, and Death before the big update, GW has kindly offered them as free downloads (click faction name for the links).
New Challenges
On top of upgraded rules for each faction, they’re also going to get brand new quests for Narrative gameplay. While this won’t be included in the upcoming box set, it won’t be long before the yearly supplement graces our shelves. Stormcast of both stripes, Maggotkin, and updated Orruks will all be able to dig up powerful and dangerous artifacts…assuming of course they can survive the dangers of the Realm of Beasts.
What are you most looking forward to in the new edition?