Warhammer 40K: 5 ‘Auto-Include’ Units We Miss…Kinda

Power armies come and go but some of these units we wish would come back around again …Maybe.
There’s been a lot of power armies over the years. Each edition changes the game up and each codex changes the power curve, too. So it seems like a lot of these units rise and fall like the tides. They might be busted in one edition and then basically useless in the next — and you’ve just got to adjust as needed.
We’ve picked out a few units that were basically “Auto-Include” units when they were in their prime. And now? Well, their glory days might be behind them and we hope they get to come back…maybe.
Drop Pods
The Drop Pod completely changed the game when they first arrived. They used to be the 100% best way to get a unit where you needed it to go back in the days of the dread/beloved scatter die. They ensured a safe decent of the Adeptus Astartes and were maybe a bit too reliable. Now that Primaris Marines are a thing I don’t think Drop Pods will make a comeback…unless Primaris Marines suddenly learn to ride them.
The Heldrake used to be the top dog when it came to melting it’s foes. That Hellish Balefire was melting everything in sight and it wasn’t uncommon to see a flock of them on the tabletop. These days it’s not really the case. Flyers aren’t as good as they used to be in general and the Heldrake has really fallen out of favor. I do hope it makes a comeback and becomes a useful option. But maybe not quite as powerful as it was in its prime.
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
“But wait, Broadsides are still really good!” Yeah…but not like they used to be. There was a moment in time when T’au armies were just packed with as many missile Broadsides as they could possibly get. Seeing a 3×3 layout of them was basically THE T’au list. While they are still good they aren’t the auto-include they once were. Commanders on the other hand…
Dark Reapers
This one is probably the most controversial pick in our list. It wasn’t that long ago folks were screaming for nerfs of the Dark Reapers. But that was because of some wonky rules interactions that I won’t get into. Personally, I think it kind of stinks that we got a new plastic Dark Reaper kit (along with an awesome Maugan Ra) after they got dropped a couple pegs. I get it. And it wasn’t undeserved. But the Dark Reapers aren’t the “Auto-Include” they once were.
Winged Hive Tyrants (aka Flyrants)
Oh how I miss the reign of the Flyrants. Sorta. Well…not really. Look, there was a very brief window of time when Tyranid lists consisted of packing as many quad-devourer packing Flyrants in them as possible in a 2000 point list (the answer is 7). It was the absolute height of their power and personally, as a Tyranid Player, I did not like this at all. It was boring and bland. They were one of the many, many problem units that caused GW to create the “Rule of 3” that limited the number in the past.
Now, that’s changed in the new codex and I don’t miss it. However, I do miss being able to run them as freely as they used to be. Then again, we’ve got a lot of really great options now and it is a different game. Flyrants aren’t like they used to be — but they aren’t terrible options either.
What are some of your “Auto-Include” units that aren’t that any more? And is that a good thing?