Warhammer 40K: Famous Daemonhunters From The Grimdark

With the new Fulgrim Transfigured mini running around we figured it was a good time to call in some expert exorcists to keep the Daemons in check.
The Grimdark is a scary enough place without the fact that Daemons can manifest and run amok. Well, if you think you’re haunted you know who to call. But what if you’re not dealing with ghosts? Maybe a possession? It’s time to bring in the Daemonhunters. These five famous Daemonhunters don’t pull punches.
Torquemada Coteaz
Torquemada Coteaz is a famous, feared and respected Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, titled “Lord Inquisitor” and “High Protector of the Formosa Sector“
You don’t earn those titles without racking up some serious daemonbusting. He’s unmasked heretics, killed Daemon Princes, and even won the favor of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Coteaz is a Daemonhunter to be feared and respected!
Aymir Vasaphon
Aymir Vasaphon is the current Chapter Master of the Exorcists and he is a taciturn warrior, who commands deep respect from those around him.
We have to talk about the Exorcists Space Marine Chapter and who better to represent them than their Chapter Master. Aymir Vasaphon is not only their leader but he was also the first of their chapter to undergo the Rubicon Primaris. He banished a Nurgle Daemon during his initiation process to become a member of the Chapter and now hunts the followers of Nurgle with fervor and zeal. But even non-Nurgle daemons should be afraid of this Chapter Master!
Kaldor Draigo
Kaldor Draigo is the 48th and current Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights. He wields the legendary Titansword.
I don’t think we really need to get into too much detail about Draigo. But for folks who might not know…
“Draigo has been cursed to a life trapped within the Warp, doomed to walk within the Realm of Chaos itself. To remain pure while constantly assailed by Chaos shows fortitude and personal strength that is beyond measure. He has undertaken many great exploits within the Warp: slaying the great Bloodthirster Kar’Voth, setting fire to the jungles of Nurgle‘s domain, defeating the six chosen Daemonettes of Slaanesh, the Six Sisters, and destroying the fortress of the Lord of Change M’Kachan.”
He’s kind of a certified badass. Daemons should avoid him at all costs. However, where are they going to run? He’s in their yard burning down their houses! Even the warp isn’t safe from the wrath of this daemonhunter!
Castellan Garran Crowe
“Garran Crowe is Castellan Champion of the Grey Knights‘ Purifiers order and the bearer of the Blade of Antwyr — a daemon sword that cannot be destroyed, nor wielded by lesser mortals.”
Before we fill out the rest of the list with Grey Knights, we just want to say that Castellan Crowe is the final member of the Grey Knights we’re going to mention. We could literally just go through their entire chapter. That said, Crowe is one hero of legend because of his pure will that can resist the power of the Blade of Antwyr. He’s essentially a living martyr — able to keep the daemon within the blade bound but constantly tempted to unleash its power.
“Crowe’s wardenship of the Blade of Antwyr came about after the death of its previous wielder, Merrat Gavallan. His ownership of the blade has brought him both physical and spiritual peril. When not fighting the maddened mortals and desperate daemons that are drawn by the sword’s evil, Crowe must do psychic battle with the Blade itself, for it strives ever to tempt him with promises of power or bind his will with the blackest sorceries. As such, Crowe never draws upon the Blade’s powers, relying instead on its physical properties and his own skill at arms.”
Hector Rex
Hector Rex is an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Malleus.
During the actions on Vraks, Lord Rex personally banished the Greater Daemon An’ggrath and it was due to his leadership that the world was brought back into the Imperial fold.
Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex is notable because he helped to lead the charge on the planet Vraks. He even inducted the entire 88th Regiment of the Death Korps of Krieg into his own retinue to help defend/reclaim the planet. What makes him really special is that even though he basically has the resources of the entire Imperium at his disposal, he doesn’t always throw his title and resources around. He’s a shrewd politician and understands the value of “getting the locals” on his side vs demanding their fealty. Oh and he’s also noted for his “massive physique” on account of his genetic augmentation during his time at Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
There are many more notable Daemonhunters out there — who you gonna call?