Warhammer 40K: Changes To Tzeentch Daemons Are Heating Things Up

The Tzeentch Daemons are getting a few big changes in Warhammer 40,000 with the next Daemon Codex. Get ready to feel the heat.
We’ve seen Khorne’s update and Nurgle’s, too. Now it’s time for the Tzeentch Daemons to get their fun in the sun — and blue flames burn HOT. There’s quite a few changes ahead so let’s dive in.
Tzeentch Daemon Updates
“Tzeentch daemons typically prefer to fight at range, hurling globs of hellfire while bullets, lasers, and plasma flash through their incorporeal forms. The new Daemonic Saves of Pink Horrors are weighted heavily towards ranged combat, and all flavours of Horror can now toss potent Coruscating Flames – not just Pink Horrors, but Blue and Brimstone too.”
Just as a refresher, that means they have an unmodifiable 6+ vs melee and an unmodifiable 3+ vs shooting! That’s going to make Horrors extra tough to deal with at range. Oh and Splitting Daemons is both simpler and more random.
“What’s more, slain Horrors can now Split without worrying about their hold on the material plane – the need to bank Reinforcement points for your duplicating devils is long gone.”
Horrors will be able to split on a roll of a 4+ now. The fact you don’t need extra Reinforcement points is less bookkeeping. But the dice roll is left up to fate now. Welcome to Tzeentch! Horrors aren’t the only ones who’ve gotten a rework, either…
Flamers of Tzeentch got a massive rework in their stat-lines. Not only did they get the same saves update, they are just flat better across the board. Flickering Flames is also even better. A 12″ Range that auto hits and has a minimum of 4 hits and can spike up to 9 hits is no joke. And if you bring an Exalted Flamer along their fires burn even hotter.
Str 6, AP -2 is certainly going to make lots of units sweat when the Flamers are around! And once you close the gap it’s time to send in the Screamers who are now even slipperier.
Don’t be shocked if Screamers also got a few tweaks around their stat-lines. There’s more changes ahead. One more thing that GW teased is a bit of the old magic of Tzeentch…you didn’t think they lost their Psychic ways, did you?
You can bet the rest of their “spells” got a tweak or two. Gaze of Fate helps you store some of those Warp Storm points for later. That could be handy for executing any plans Tzeentch has in store for your games!
The new Chaos Daemons codex is coming soon and Tzeentch is sounding mighty spicy!