Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemon’s Warp Storm Points Preview

The Warp Storm Points ebb and flow with a mind of their own. Or at least with a healthy dose of RNG.
The Chaos Daemons are getting a new codex and Games Workshop is showing off their Warp Storm Points with a mini explainer. Plus, we’re getting a closer look at a few of the powers they can choose to spend those points on. They are sort of like Stratagems but with a twist of Warp envolved.
” It’s as simple as rolling eight dice and counting how many 4+ you score – a good turn will bestow plenty of Warp Storm points (or WSPs), but there’s always the chance Tzeentch will trip you up and leave your eddies becalmed.”
Chaos Daemon Warp Stone Points
So to kick things off, at the start of the turn, you’ll roll 8 dice. For every 4+ you’ll get a Warp Stone Point that you can then spend on a special subset of powers. And some of these powers are pretty potent themselves!
Chaos Undivided
These are just two of the 8 powers you’ll have access to from Chaos Undivided. All daemonic armies will be able to pull from this list and they are good, generic abilities to toss out there.
Naturally, each of the Chaos Gods also gets involved with powers only their followers can tap into. There are 3 effects for each of the ruinous powers for a total of 12 more abilities. The catch is that only Detachments comprised entirely of their followers have access to those specific powers. And we’ve gotten a few powers to show off from Games Workshop…
Khorne and Nurgle
Khorne gets to unleash their fury with +1 attack to all Legions Daemonic Khorne in your army. Yeah. ALL of them. For Nurgle, they get to spread their plagues to enemy units within 12″ and cause D3 Mortal Wounds on a 6.
Tzeentch and Slaanesh
Tzeentch allows your Psykers to get a bonus to their Psychic tests with a +1 and while Slaanesh gives their units the ability to strike first in the fight phase. Both of those abilities seem pretty strong.
Again, each branch of the chaos tree get’s 3 powers. So if you’re a little underwhelmed with their preview don’t worry. There’s a couple more to choose from.
More Than One Way To Warp Storm
Oh, one other detail: Those 8 dice aren’t the only way to snag Warp Storm Points every turn. Certain units will have the ability to earn even more points for the pool. Check out how Epidemius works:
I have a feeling he’s not the only one with a similar ability…
The new Chaos Daemons Codex is coming soon. Time to prepare for those Warp Tides to roll out…