Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Ork Big’ed Bossbunka

When I first saw the Big’ed Bossbunka, I had grand visions of how this could be a fun terrain piece. Then I saw its rules. We have some work to do!
When I first saw this teased by GW, I had grand visions of how this could be a fun piece of nonsense terrain. Now I just see it as an expensive piece of terrain to have on your display board. Let’s help a Warboss out.
So this is a weird one and a lot of the terrain in 40k feels a bit – well underwhelming. I originally wanted to write about the GSC drill terrain piece, but it turns out you can’t buy it anymore! Oh, it also isn’t in the GSC codex so we’ll move on to the other odd one out of this batch of terrain updates. Is this is supposed to be a platform for your Warboss to hide in and shout at things? Is this supposed to be some kind of Super awesome Stompa head to blast things? What is the whole point of the Big’ed Bossbunka?
Big’ed Bossbunka Basics
Ok, this is a building that can be occupied by a Warboss that helps the Warboss shout at stuff, shoot some things, and have a chance to roll a 1 when it explodes and he dies in a fiery explosion of narrative justice. It increases their Warboss Aura and lets him run around punching a few buttons so the big shootas can well – shoota things. It has this weird Eye gaze thing that is neat but it should do a lot more damage when it hits plus a ton of big Shootas. It doesn’t move but it holds guys so it is a bit weird.
I’ve always wanted a starter home!
Sorry to go off on a tangent – but buildings should just be boxes other things can attack. Your guys “occupy” the building and your models can attack the building. Let it give some extra armor or toughness if you are inside of it. Now we don’t need to do dumb things like have a 2″ engagement range or other wall-breaking things. Instead, your infantry things occupy the building if they are in it, gain some stuff, and make it easier to assault and do things. The guys inside can still fight like normal and you could say things like – 2 rows of idiots get to punch back thru the windows and whatnot.
Let’s Make the Big’ed Bossbunka Interesting.
If we keep it as a transport let’s make it do different things for different HQ’s that can sit in it. This would mean the Warboss would give out a much bigger “shout” aura and more aggressive zone of combat. Maybe let him drive the boyz crazier to get into combat and do better. If you put a Big Mek in there why not have an aura of +1 to hit or something else unique? Also, let the guns shoot better. Then if you add in a Weirdboy you get weird Psychic energy that spills out of it and causes all kinds of mayhem!
Amp Up That Gun.
Let’s get the gun working better. The gaze should be something like it auto-hits a unit. Maybe it’s damage 3+d3 and it does mortal wounds on top of it. Let it have a long-range blast option too if needed as well as a prism beam power that hits multiple units. Just make it do more stuff so it is worth it to throw it on the table and lock an HQ choice in there. Heck, how about letting you have a few? Then they can focus fire to create some weird beams of death mayhem across the table. Orks need to be aggressive – but deeply weird too.
How About Have It Be a Focal Point of Gork or Mork?
I like how Prayers are in the game. So why not let the Big’ed Bossbunka do some weird stuff like focus the sheer belief of being the biggest and baddest on the tabletop. It should be like a church to one of the Ork Gods and act as such. Just amping out some crazy Ork punk rock chantings and getting all the greenskins going crazy.
Let’s Make This Unit Neat!
It should be neat, covered in bullet shooting death, and be a needed piece of equipment for the Ork player. It has a small footprint so it could easily fit on the GW tables and it isn’t some kind of weird teleporting thing. It also has wounds so you can kill it unlike the Warp Gate and other cheaty space-elf nonsense. I like the idea of terrain for armies and hoped we would see more of them. The idea of a dropped Stompa Head an Ork warlord can shout nonsense from sounds awesome and it should be. It just needs a little more love from GW.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!