Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Annual Brings Back Some Old Favorites

The Kill Team: Annual 2022 is bringing back some old favorites from White Dwarf and other boxed sets.
If you’ve been collecting Kill Teams or if you just want to have access to all your options then the Kill Team: Annual 2022 will round things out. It’s packed with rules for you to use some of the older Kill Teams that were from previous boxed sets or had rule printed in White Dwarf. No need to go dig through back catalogs to find them now — just get the Kill Team: Annual 2022!
“This 152-page tome is the essential companion for Kill Team, collecting rules and background previously published in White Dwarf magazine and adding brand-new missions and operatives. Chief among these are the Elucidian Starstriders and the Gellerpox Infected – two factions from the Kill Team of yore – both of which receive full, up-to-date rules, and return to the shelves as standalone sets.”
It’s kind of fitting we’re getting the Starstriders in this book considering we’re about to have the new Kill Team chapter set inside a ship. Originally released with the previous version of Kill Team, their new and update rules are in the Kill Team: Annual 2022 so you can once again bust out this Rogue Trader crew. And of course that also means the Gellerpox Infected are coming back, too.
I always liked these models and kind of wished we got more from them. Anyhow, these two crews aren’t the only Kill Teams getting updated and reprinted rules. The two Kill Teams from the Moroch box are also getting stand alone releases with their rules in the Annual.
The Phobos Strike Team is perfect for anyone looking to be a little sneakier than other Space Marine options.
The Blooded bring on the Heretical Chaos Guard with some great models that, again, we hope we get more from in the future.
There’s more Kill Teams in the Annual as well:
Kill Team: Annual 2022 also brings back four teams from White Dwarf – the Hunter Clade, Warpcoven, Wyrmblade, and Void-dancers. Each places forces from Warhammer 40,000 into Kill Team in exciting new ways, including special operatives not previously available to their factions.
It’s not just Kill Teams in the book either. You’ll also get access to three new Mission Packs AND you’ll have brand new Multi-player Critical Operations so you can have larger games with more Kill Teams involved! There’s a total of 15 new missions to try out with the new Kill Team: Annual 2022.