Warhammer 40K: Leagues of Votann Rules Previews

Games Workshop is showcasing the Leagues of Votann in a Battle Report and it’s our first look at the army wide rules!
The Leagues of Votann are coming very soon and Games Workshop is featuring them on Warhammer+ this week in a new Battle Report. While we won’t be going over the Battle Report here, we are going to cover the rules that they previewed. We’re excited to see how this army is going to work on the tabletop so let’s check these rules out!
Leagues of Votann Power Levels
First up, we are getting a look at a 50 Power Level roster. While this isn’t super detailed we at least have a rough idea of what these units will cost to field in Power Level. And while it’s not 100% accurate, it’s also a good indicator of the Points Costs, too. It’s a very loose 20 points to 1 Power Level ratio.
Greater Thurian League Rule
Each of the Leagues within the Leagues of Votann has their own League Custom. These are basically the army rule for playing that particular sub-faction. The Greater Thurian League is the “white-and-teal” Kin that GW has been showing off.
They have a built in re-roll for either hitting or wounding when they are selected to shoot or fight. They also get to double up their model count when contesting an objective. Or if the model has a wounds characteristic of 10 or more then they count as 5 models.
Faction-Wide Ability Eye of the Ancestors
“This faction-wide ability condemns enemies to annihilation should they attract ire in the form of Judgement tokens.
Enemy units gain Judgement tokens in a number of ways, from completing an action (how dare you!) to destroying a Votann unit (how VERY dare you!), while Kâhls can dole out extra tokens with their Grim Efficiency ability.”
These Judgement Tokens are interesting as they can really make a target much easier to wound later. I’m glad that they also clarified that the roll has to be unmodified and that even a 5+ or 4+ can miss depending on the situation. So the attack still has to hit and if it does it auto wounds.
The Greater Thurian League also has an ability that ties into the use of these Judgement Tokens. It’s called Ancestral Judgement. If the target unit has a Judgement Token, then the Kin attacking get to count that unit has having 1 more Judgement Token than they actually do.
There’s also a Stratagem from the Greater Thurian League called Appraising Glare that allow for the Kâhls to add one additional Judgement Token when they use their Grim Efficiency ability:
So when a Kâhl from the Greater Thurian League tags a unit with a Judgement Token, that target unit basically has three Judgement Tokens. When a target is suddenly auto wounded on unmodified a roll of 4+ to hit, that’s going to add up to a LOT of saves very quickly.
Warlord Trait – A Long List
This is one of the Warlord Traits from the Leagues of Votann. Not only does it impact their shooting but it also allows for the Warlord to generate a Judgement Token if the criteria are met.
We also get a look at one of the Army Relics, too:
Forcing an enemy unit to strike last is a nice ability to have in your back pocket for sure!
That’s our first real look at just a few of the army-wide rules. What do you think of them so far? Let us know in the comments!
Prepare to be judged.