Warhammer 40K: Nurgle Daemon Previews – Good-Bye ‘Disgustingly Resilient’

Games Workshop is previewing the new Nurgle Daemon rules and Disgustingly Resilient is going away. But it’s not all doom and gloom just yet.
There’s a new Chaos Daemons Codex right around the corner. We got a look at how their saves are changing and we got a look at the Khorne Daemons. Now we’re checking out the blighted rules of Nurgle Daemons which are due for some big changes ahead.
Nurgle Daemon Previews
“This turn of the rotting wheel means the forces of Nurgle lose their Disgustingly Resilient rule, which is replaced with a swollen Toughness stat, more Wounds, and those all-important daemonic saves.”
Yep. You’re reading that correctly. Disgustingly Resilient is going away for Nurgle. Folks had wondered about this one and if it would change based on the new Daemon Saves. It sure sounds like it’s going away completely and has been replaced with some more static buffs to the Nurgle Daemon’s stat-lines.
The basic Plaguebearers got a bump in toughness, wounds, and attacks. Plus they got a better save to match with a 5+ vs Melee and a 4+ vs shooting. Again, Daemon Saves are unmodifiable as well. And they aren’t the only daemons to get a bump…
Yeah…Beasts of Nurgle are looking NASTY. They might be a little slower but the rest of their stats made up for all of it. Furthermore that toughness 6 with 7 wounds is going to be a PAIN to deal with.
“Grotesque Regeneration fully heals a Beast at the end of each phase, making them exceptionally resilient. Gooey Demise means that if someone does manage to squish one, it has a chance of popping like an acrid boil, dealing mortal wounds to all those unlucky enough to be caught in the foetid blast radius.
Get ready for a tidal wave of filth in the form of Beasts of Nurgle hitting the tabletop in droves. If you don’t wipe out the model completely, it’s going to regen back up to full. And, considering it’s saves, good luck with punching through all that filthy flesh.
The Feculent Gnarlmaws are also going to be super useful for Nurgle armies. First up, the extra shroud of flies aura is a nice debuff for enemies shooting at your units. And then The Plague Bells Chime is another way to bring back some Plaguebearers. If you’ve got an objective to camp on, plop a grove of these trees nearby.
We’ve still got the Slaanesh and Tzeentch Daemons preview coming. Get ready for even more daemonic goodies coming to 40k!