Warhammer Preview: NOVA Open Teaser

Games Workshop has sent out a teaser image for the NOVA Open previews tonight. Time to speculate widely!
We are pumped about the upcoming Warhammer Preview happening tonight at the NOVA Open. We already speculated about what we’d like to see. And today, GW sent out a reminder email for the fans subscribed to their newsletter and in that email they dropped us yet more bread crumbs.
via Games Workshop
Now, if you want to see the previews tonight you’ll have to tune into their twitch channel. Check the graphic below for the timezone for you:
Commence Wild Speculation
So now that we have that teaser image, let’s see if we can’t figure out what we’re looking at.
First up we have…a Khorne Berzerker. The Bunny Ears give this one away. The backpack looks cool and he’s looking like he’s got a two-handed weapon ready to strike. Hopefully this teaser confirms that GW is going to show off a ton of new World Eaters goodies!
This one sure looks like another Chaos Follower. I’d wager it’s a Slaves to Darkness teaser. We already know that book is slated for later this year. And based on the horns, the top knot, the spikes, and the Axe, well, yeah…it screams Chaos. Is this a teaser for Warcry or is it for AoS? It’s kind of both either way…
This third image is quite interesting! It’s ROUND. At first glance I was thinking maybe a Nurgle follower? They tend to be pretty bloated. But then I started thinking about the release schedule and roadmaps that have been shared. That got me wondering what else it could be. We know Destruction has two battle tomes on the way for AoS and GW has been very tight lipped about those. Could this be a teaser for new Gloomspite Gitz? He could be a very mushroom filled gobbo!
What about this last image? It took me a second. But I think I know what it is teasing:
Ogor Mawtribes?! That could be tusk with a Gnoblar on the front. And that would fit the next two unnannounced AoS Destruction Battletomes, right? Fingers crossed on that one.
Update: GW just updated the Warhammer Community site with an even better image as well as a new teaser, too:
So who’s this fifth image of? That’s a great question! I see Tusks and what looks like an intricate headdress. What could it mean?
If you’ve got any ideas on what these teasers are drop us a line in the comments! And tune in tonight for all the big reveals!