Warhammer Underworlds: Hexbane’s Hunters Rules – Life Is Cheap

If you’re signing up for to run with Hexbane’s Hunters then get ready for an aggressive Warband that will throw your life away.
There’s a lot of different playstyles for the Warbands of Warhammer Underworlds. Some are tanky and defensive. Some are aggressive. Others have strange rules that allow them to play a different sort of game. And then there are the suicidal Warbands. That’s where Hexbane’s Hunters fits — these zealots from the Order of Azyr don’t care about their own lives as long as they make the enemy pay dearly for taking it.
“Lives are cheap in the Order of Azyr, so even if your aggressive outlook takes some of your own fighters out of action it doesn’t matter. All four human members of the warband are hunters so if they die in the service of scoring objectives, you’ll be rewarded with even more glory.”
Let’s backup a bit. First up, check out Hexbane’s rule cards. That will give you a better idea of exactly what we’re talking about:
The “Price of Victory” is what all the human members of this warband have. It triggers once a friendly hunter is dealt damage that would take them out action. You can then give them one fighter upgrade from your hand or you can remove a token (either a charge or move) from this fighter. That means if your friendly hunter goes down, this character basically gets a reset and can move or charge again!
These wacky combos don’t stop there either. You can actually score glory for having your hunters taken out, too.
Or get even stronger…
Seriously, I would not trust Hexbane if I was one of those friendly hunters…but that’s just me.
There’s more ways for you to really lean into this aggressive — some would say reckless — play style. Hexbane’s Hunters is all about getting in there and doing damage.
Oh, and if you didn’t notice the flip condition for Hexbane it whenever one of his attack actions takes an enemy out of action you get to flip the card. This is one aggro-deck for sure! If you want to get in there and drop bodies (your fighters as well as the enemies) then this warband might be for you!
Hexbane’s Hunters are out now for Pre-order from Games Workshop!