Warmachine: Chivalry and Lightning – GenCon Cygnar Preview Box

To fight the greatest evil, it takes the greatest good. Cygnar will have to suffice for now.
Orgoth wasn’t the only army kicking around at GenCon. Say hello to the Warriors of Swan and Storm, the Storm Legion of Cygnar!
Just like with the Raiders from the seas, the poster children of order and justice in the Iron Kingdoms were treated to a 3 model preview box. Privateer Press provided avid Cygnar players with the kit at GenCon, with the promise of a dedicated Storm Legion box headed to stores soon. These models are just as beautiful as their aggressive enemies, with just as many options to bring the pain.
Major Anson Wolfe
Leading the charge is the grizzled warcaster Major Anson Wolfe. He is the picture of Cygnar efficiency, poise, and galvanism, covered in electrical conductors and looking perfectly at home in a steampunk workshop. His statline is obscene, with 8 MAT and a 16 in both DEF AND ARM. While that’s a couple of points lower in Armor than his Orgoth foe, the extra 2 points in Defense means he’s harder to nail down. With the new powerful weapons in the game, being harder to hit might even be a little better than harder to crack, plus his ARM and damage go up for every model he kills in a turn. If he hits a big squad of chafe, he could become unstoppable.
His weapons are the picture of Cygnarian lighting tech, with a Galvanic Sword and Voltaic Hammer. The Sword arcs lightning to a nearby enemy, making it even easier to secure those buffs, and his hammer can either push his enemy back or, in extreme cases, knock them down. He brings three racked spells, all of which increase his aggression with an electrical theme. Even his defensive feat is aggressive, allowing his battlegroup to rocket forward whenever a friendly model is slain. He’s the perfect answer to the brutal Orgoth, and he’ll make a great intro to the game.
Courser Light Warjack
The light warjack in the box, your Courser is nonetheless a solid midrange piece. Even before upgrades, it has an insulated core, meaning it can never be disrupted. Like all the other Mk. IV ‘jacks, it has a collection of heads and weapons to allow you to customize your piece every battle. The head pieces are pretty great, offering awesome abilities like Advanced Deployment, Arc Node, or even Shield Guard! The weapon options are phenomenal as well, from lightning cannons and blades to charged shields and a good old-fashioned grenade launcher. For speed, efficiency, and killing power, the Courser is the perfect package.
Stryker Heavy Warjack
Named for one of the most well-known warcasters in Cygnar’s storied history, the Stryker certainly lives up to its namesake. It can generate focus just by being near Storm Legion warriors, and it has a nearly full damage box, meaning it’s going to be a nightmare to shift. Its head options give it a ton of nasty options, from a defensive electrical field to the ability to see through clouds. Of course, for a model named for such a legendary warrior, the weapons have to be top-notch, and the Stryker does not disappoint. It has a healthy mix of range, power, and defense to suit any battlefield. Papa Coleman would be proud of the little lad.
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