Warmachine: Frost and Fury – GenCon Khador Preview Box

We’ve seen the best guys, we’ve seen the worst guys, now get ready for the Borscht guys! Khador is back in Warmachine Mk.IV.
While Cygnar was occupied with the Orgoth invasion, a small force from the frozen north of Khador set up a foothold in the Iron Kingdoms. Their first invasion: GenCon!
As with the other two boxes, loyal fans of the Motherland were treated to a three-model preview box at GenCon, and while they won’t show up as soon, Khador isn’t far behind Cygnar and the Orgoth. The box is packed with gorgeous minis, and chock full of options for your models.
Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova
As befits a Grey Lord of Khador, Kapitan Baranova is an absolute powerhouse. She has Dual Attack, allowing her to make both her ranged and melee attacks in the same activation, and she’s bedecked with powerful weapons. Her Gunblade gives her a pair of STR 10 attacks and her trusty axe Doomsayer strikes at STR 12. While she doesn’t have the raw striking power of the other two casters with only MAT and RAT 6, the addition of Dual Attack means she’ll definitely have more chances to hit.
She’s got incredible support stats as well; she seems the most well-rounded of the three casters. She innately gives ‘jacks in her battlegroup Arc Node, and whenever she hits a model with her axe, she immediately dispels any spells or animi on them. Even better, if any Living models are killed in her 14″ control range, she picks up a Focus. Her Feat keeps her enemies out of range, and her spells make her and her battlegroup even nastier. She’s going to give the Swan boys a real run for their money.
Dire Wolf
Khador doesn’t have a light option, so both their ‘jacks are heavies. The first, the mighty Dire Wolf, is the perfect spearpoint for your attack. Before upgrades, any model B2B with the pupper can’t be knocked down. With all the Tough in Khador, this is a pretty sweet ability. Like all the other new ‘jacks, it has a suite of heads to choose from, giving an array of abilities from Shield Guard to Pathfinder. Befitting the behemoths of Khador, it has a staggering armor box, and it has some nasty weapon options. It can take power saws, hammers, cannons, or even a ballistic shield. This monster is going to be a fabulous bulwark for Khador armies.
Great Bear
If the Dire Wolf is the shield of the battle group, the Great Bear is the spear; a massive, rocket-powered spear. This thing is an absolute beast, and even its defensive upgrades deal nasty damage. It can freeze, it can blast, and it can run your enemies over! The Great Bear is an incredible piece, and it looks awesome too. This is definitely my favorite model from this box, and its rules certainly don’t disappoint.
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