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Warmachine – Mark IV Rules Are Amazing!

3 Minute Read
Aug 3 2022

With the new Warmachine Mk.IV rules previewed, Steam-powered wargames are about to get a whole lot more fun.

Fans of Warmachine have been waiting a long time for updates on the game. With focus seeming to shift to their newer properities, many thought that Privateer Press had left the Iron Kingdoms behind. However, at long last, we have an update on the continent of Immoren. Unfortunately, the world has been shattered and the dreadful Orgoth have returned, leaving several factions damaged beyond repair.

Warmachine Mk.IV Beta Rules Download

On the bright side though, Privateer Press seems to have learned from other gaming companies with their latest rules, and they’re amazing. While the full contents of the upcoming starter set won’t be released until GenCon this weekend, Privateer Press has graciously shared a pdf; both the new rules and a few miniature rules previews are contained within. These new rules are incredible, and they’re going to change the way the game is played.

Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starter

Customizable ‘Jacks and ‘Casters

One of the most exciting new rules in MkIV is Warjacks and Warcasters that can be changed from battle to battle. Warjacks have multiple head options that give them different special rules, like Rampage or Arc Node. They can also bring different weapons on each arm, letting you cover your weaknesses more easily. Casters, on the other hand, have “Racked” spells. This allows you to customize what magic each Warcaster brings to the field and tailor them to your playstyle. Best of all, Privateer Press will include magnets in all their upcoming sets, allowing you to swap options with ease. As a player who has always valued the “my guys” aspect of Warhammer, this is a huge selling point for me.

Combat Evolved

One of the main problems I had with Mk.III was that engaging a model didn’t seem all that impactful. It was easy to get behind a model and decimate them, and locking down a shooting model didn’t prevent them from icing your units across the field. This is all changing in the new set. First off, facing is no longer a thing, and models can see and act in 360°. Back Strikes are a thing of the past, which is sad for assassin runs but makes more sense for lore purposes.

Khador Great Bear Warjack


My favorite thing, however, is that a unit can only make ranged attacks against a model engaging it. While they can bypass this with the Gunslinger trait, that makes charging into an artillery piece more useful. My one complaint is that the removal of Free Strikes makes moving out of combat a lot easier. However, the cavaet is that models that move out of engagement must forfeit their Combat Action. While it isn’t the same as damage, it’s not nothing.

Warmachine Mk.IV List of Changes

Here’s the quick list of major changes straight from Privateer Press

  • Removal of Facing
  • Removal of Free Strikes
  • Simplification of Unit Rules
  • AOEs and Spray Attacks Have Been Simplified
  • Warjack and Warbeast Customization
  • Racked Spells
  • Command Cards
  • Assassination & Execution Modes
  • Removal of Theme Forces
  • Models Can Only Attack Enemy Models
  • Integration of HORDES into WARMACHINE
  • More Powerful Warjacks and Warbeasts
  • Streamlining of Stats
  • Running Standardization
  • Increased Melee Ranges
  • Models Are Allowed to Make Ranged Attacks While Engaged
  • More Crits
  • Rough Terrain
  • Return of Elevation
  • Simplified Power Attacks
  • Simplification of Model Rules
  • Key Words

You can check out all the new rules for yourself here, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates from GenCon and Privateer Press!

Author: Clint Lienau
  • Warmachine: November Dynamic Update Review