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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Kharadron Overlords

5 Minute Read
Jul 1 2024

You’ve seen a house fly, you’ve seen a horse fly, but have you ever seen a dwarf fly? If you haven’t, look out for Kharadron Overlords iron balloons.

Not all dwarves live below the mountains, hammering out artifacts and stealing shiny rocks from dragons. Some prefer floating steampunk cities, pressure suits, and physics-defying dirigibles. The Kharadron Overlords flip the “slow and steady” dwarf stereotype on its head, taking to the skies in massive war balloons and raining hails of gunfire down on their enemy as speedy skyriggers take down monsters with harpoon guns. If you ever wanted to play an army of dwarf pirates with a little sprinkle of steampunk madness, the Overlords are the army for you.

Who Are the Kharadron Overlords?

The Overlords are the opposite of their naked, Fyreslayer cousins in almost every way: melee vs. ranged, monsters vs. machines, naked vs. clothed. Even their form of payment is totally different, switching the fiery ur-gold for the more magical aethergold. While the Fyreslayers follow the war god Grimnir and emulate his fiery temper, the Kharadron Overlords chose the path of Grungni the Smith, perfectly encapsulating his ingenuity and artifice. Launching from their mighty sky-ports high above the Realms, they bring percussive death to any that stand against Order…or any who didn’t pay them enough.

Why Play Kharadron Overlords?

Since their inception, the Kharadrons have had a stranglehold on the shooting phase, and their mobility is second to none.  This means they can adapt to new challenges faster than almost any army in the game.

Kharadron Overlords Strengths

  • Shooting!
  • Fast and deadly skycraft that can disengage in a flash. Shenanigans!
  • Able to adapt to situations on the fly (hah!)

Kharadron Overlords Weaknesses

  • You have range, but it’s mostly shorter range. This means you want to be close, but not engaged, while the enemy will want to engage with you.
  • Pretty squishy (not resilient) and lower spike damage.
  • While effective, your army can get small, and high number of objective missions could be hard for you.

Signature Rules

Battle Traits

  • Flying High– deploy units In the Clouds off board in your boats.
  • Descend from the Clouds– Boats and Skyfarers that were In the Clouds deploy anywhere on the board outside 9″.
  • Skyvessel Cover– Ironclads and Frigates have an aura of -1 to hit against enemy shooting for friendly Infantry units.
  • Transport Skyfarers- boats can grab units within 6″ and set them back up within 6″ after the boat moves.

Battle Formations

  • Iron Sky Attack Squadron– All your boats ignore the first point of damage in each phase.
  • Aether-runners– boats gets an extra 2″ movement.
  • Endrineers Guild– one extra artefact, picked during deployment.
  • Grundcorps Wing– Once per battle increase the range on Grundstok keyword units.

Heroic Traits

  • Endrinmaestro– aura that increases the range of infantry ranged weapons by 3″
  • Cunning Fleetmaster– gives Skyvessels nearby ‘roll 2, pick the highest’ Redeploys.
  • Grudgebearers– double damage for this unit against one enemy unit chosen during deployment.


  • Blazebeard Mag-bolas– once per battle enemy monster can only charge 1D6.
  • Celestium Burst-grenade– once per battle cancel ward saves for a unit for the turn.
  • Voidstone Orb– Once per battle auto unbind a spell.

Key Kharadron Overlords Units

Arkanaut Admiral

This guy will probably be your general, and for good reason. He’s a combat monster, has great support, and can easily make your skyvessels unstoppable.


The ultimate buff/debuff character improves nearby friends rend and reduces enemy hit rolls.


The Overlords actually get to field a legit rules-lawyer! In game he gives a solid buff to up to three units per turn.

Arkanaut Company

Your standard line troopers. They are plenty useful, though, mostly as warm bodies and screens.

Grundstok Thunderers

Thunderers are elite, shooting style dwarves, who are extra hearty and equipped with the best weapons aethergold can buy.

Arkanaut Frigate

Your medium ship, tougher than a Gunhauler and cheaper than an Ironclad. My personal favorite of the skyvessels, and probably the best bang for your buck until you have the points for the big boy.



A repair squad for your vessels with plenty of pain to share with your enemies, these floating gents are an incredible support piece.

Arkanaut Ironclad

The largest of the Kharadron ships is truly a sight to behold. The Ironclad boasts excellent durability, with a score of wounds and a 3+ save, while also transporting two-and-twenty stout dwarves in three units! In addition to this, the Ironclad is absolutely bristling in weapons, with three different powerful shooting profiles.

Sample Kharadron Army

Faction: Kharadron Overlords
– Battle Formation: Aether-runners

Regiment 1
Arkanaut Admiral
Arkanaut Ironclad
Arkanaut Ironclad
10 Grundstok Thunderers
10 Grundstok Thunderers

Regiment 2
Endrinmaster with Harness
3 Endrinriggers


How to Play Kharadron Overlords

Don’t let up with shooting! Drown your enemy in aethershot, then reposition and do it again. Avoid getting charged. Rinse and repeat until the enemy is slag.


Author: Allen Campbell
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