Age of Sigmar: Upgrading the Tzeentch Vanguard Box

From Vanguard to victory, get the most out of your Disciples of Tzeentch!
The Disciples of Tzeentch are getting their update this weekend, and just like all the other 3.0 reprints, they’re snagging a quick-start Vanguard box. These are incredible starters for new armies or reinforcements for existing ones, and this box is no exception. You got a powerful leader, a pair of battleline, and some summons to keep your opponent on their toes. If you have an existing army this is a solid buffer, but if you’re new, you’ll need to build up your forces a bit, and that could be daunting. But worry not, fellow Acolyte; Tzeentch has given me a vision of the next five purchases you’ll want to make!
Tzaangor Enlightened
These guys are masters of the flying punch, and in the new battletome they’re even better than before! They don’t need a shaman nearby to get their big buff. You just need to be taking the second turn in the round (which isn’t a bad thing if you play carefully). They also still hit like a rocket-powered bus, and with a 16″ move they’re plenty fast enough to snag errant objectives or set up a devastating long bomb charge. If you need to hunt down lone characters or cut down an annoying gunline hiding on the back of the board, these are your guys.
Rocking a brand new model and a statline line to make even the most dedicated battle wizard blush, the Curseling is an easy choice as leader for your Arcanite army. He can steal magic, cast a ton of spells to generate Fate Points, and he even has combat prowess. The Curseling really can do it all, and his only downside is that he’s stuck on foot, meaning he suffers from shooting allergies. However, pair him up with some of your faster beaters, like Enlightened or Screamers, and he’ll be right where you need him most of the time.
If you’re going the daemon route rather than Arcanite, a Fateskimmer is a great choice for a leader. Fast, casty, and a great mobile platform for your locus, this fiery boi will be able to keep pace with your Screamers while providing much needed support for your Horrors. Even better, he makes other Burning Chariots battleline, meaning you can unleash a torrent of eldritch fire all over your foes and skate away to avoid retribution. If speed is your game, this is your general.
Endless Spells
Normally, I wouldn’t advocate for Endless Spells as an early purchase. However, Tzeentch has a special rule that allows you to summon one for free, no casting required or unbinding allowed, and that’s worth consideration. The Simulacrum will make mincemeat of enemy casters, and the Tome will make your own casters even scarier (that’s my favorite), so your opponent will want to deal with them quickly. Not to be counted out, the Icon can have a devastating effect on either battleline, so having it available is always a good deterrent for unbinds.
Lord of Change
Never leave home without one, even if it never sees the battlefield. If you generate enough points to summon the Big Blue Bird, it will shift the game immediately, regardless of what you’re up against. With his new updated rules, it’s worth adding to your 2000. But even if you don’t…always have one on standby… just in case.
What will be your first purchase?