D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide to Caramon Majere

Caramon Majere: a knight so bold he saved the world from the goddess of evil and then later his own twin brother.
The world of Krynn is full of heroes and villains and epic deeds worthy of song. But even in a world brimming with heroics, Caramon Majere managed to stand out. The older (and stronger) of two twins, Caramon (and his brother Raistlin) played a pivotal role in events that shaped Krynn.
And like many adventurers, they have saved the world, but Caramon might be one of the very few adventurers to have saved the world from his own brother. From a youth in Solace, to eventually running an Inn, Caramon has seen much happen in the world of Krynn.
Caramon Majere’s Origins
Caramon Majere was one of two twins born to Gilon and Rosamun Majere. The pregnancy was hard on their mother, leaving her prone to lapsing into a comatose state. Which meant that both twins were raised by their half-sister, Kitiara Uth Matar.
Caramon was the older and stronger of the two boys. Caramon was bright, cheerful, and outgoing. He developed a knack for fighting by protecting his frail brother Raistlin from bullies. But even after Raistlin left to study magic, Caramon continued to grow. He learned how to use a sword, befriended a half-elf and a kender, and had the same youth as many an adventurer, joining a group of companions doing “various tasks.”
After Raistlin passed the Test of High Sorcery, graduating from one of Krynn’s prestigious Mage Towers, the two Majere boys wandered the land selling their services as mercenaries.
Together they joined the service of the Mad Baron of Langtree, where they traveled for a while, working to break curses, defend homelands, and even solve a murder or two (defeating a lich in the process). But all of this was just training for the confrontation that would become the War of the Lance.
Caramon Majere and the War of the Lance
When the twins turned 25, Caramon and his brother returned to Solace and reunited with their previous adventuring party. As they reconnected with each other at an inn, an old man set a series of events in motion that led to them fleeing the inn, encountering goblins, and then later strange clerics with dark powers and ominous portents.
Again, Caramon and his brother lived the prototypical adventuring life. All the way down to the quests they went on. As war broke out across Krynn, Caramon, Raistlin, and their companions took up arms against evil.
Eventually, the companions managed to tangle with the forces of the goddess Takhisis, sealing away her ability to re-enter the world.
Saving the World Again
After the War of the Lance, the world seemed calm. And Caramon became a fat, sloppy drunkard who drowned his sorrows in dwarven spirits. And so he might have ended up, if not for a chance encounter with a wounded cleric of Paladine.
In order to heal her wounds, a conclave of wizards sent Caramon and the cleric backward in time because that was the only way anything could work. And they were transported back to the time of the Kingpriest, where they were immediately thrown into prison.
Prison was good for Caramon, as he was forced to train and fight and thus got back into better shape than he had been before even the War of the Lance. While back in time, Caramon worked to find a way back, while his brother worked to enter the Abyss where he would take on the power of the gods.
Deep in the abyss, Raistlin fought with Takhisis, but Caramon challenged his brother, revealing that he’d seen the world where Raistlin becomes a dark god–a ruined world of devastation.
Raistlin sacrificed himself to seal away the Dark Queen once and for all while Caramon returned to Krynn, where he ran an Inn, had five children, and lived a long and fulfilling life.
Happy adventuring!