Five Characters We Need to See in the Jon Snow Show

With a new Jon Snow show blowing in from the North, is it too early to start imagining the return of some favorite characters?
A new Jon Snow show is set to follow Kit Harrington’s beloved doomed hero into the wilds North of the Wall. We’re ready for him to take his place as King in the (Extremely) North, and there are a few more characters we’d like to see pay him a visit.
Grey Worm
Season 8 of Game of Thrones did everybody dirty, obviously. But Missande and Grey Worm really got the very bad end of a very bad stick. Thanks, I hated it.
There’s also a theory that Grey Worm and the Unsullied sailed to Nath only to be killed by a disease carried by butterflies. But once again, I hate it. And since we’re all still owed an apology for the abysmal finale of one of HBO’s most groundbreaking shows, I’d love to see him escape that fate and make his way North of the wall.
Yeah, I know, it’s a stretch. But Jon and Grey Worm have unresolved tension over the death of Danerys and I think they need to hash that out. Is it likely to happen? No, they’re on other sides of the world! But I don’t come to your fandom-house and ruin your dreams.
Tormund Giantsbane
Now this guy? This guy we’re very likely to see in the show.
Tormund is Jon’s right-hand man, and together they’ll be venturing North of the Wall. Every Game of Thrones plot needs a good laugh to break the tension, and Tormund would bring it. He’ll also bring some very important physical strength, plus some navigation experience.
Jon and the audience will both need more Tormund to thaw out the show’s usual narrative chill.
Brienne of Tarth
Who can resist more Brienne x Tormund tension?!
But seriously, Brienne was one of my favorite characters from the show. At the end of Game of Thrones, Brienne was sitting down to write the story of Ser Jamie. But she’s no maester, that’s not her whole future. Where will she go afterward?
Is she an advisor to Bran the Broken? Would she travel back to Winterfell to offer her services to Sansa again? Brienne is a well-beloved character whose future was really up-in-the-air at the end of the series. She could certainly make an appearance on the show.
Sansa Stark
If and as Jon establishes himself as the King North of the Wall (c’mon, we know where this is headed), he’ll likely be working closely with his sister, the Queen in the North.
One of the few great moments in the last season of Game of Thrones was seeing Sansa evolve as a leader and stateswoman. Still, her ending was just a taste of a North ruled by Sansa. We want – nay, we need more.
Arya Stark
This fan-favorite character was left to explore the world West of Westeros. With all the freedom and skill to travel the world, Arya could show up just about everywhere – even if we left her pointed in the opposite direction.
Arya’s future has the most potential for excitement and adventure, and HBO would be silly not to bring her character back in some form or fashion. If I can’t have a show featuring Arya, the least she could get is an appearance in the Snow-show.
Who do you want to see share the screen with Jon Snow?