Horus Heresy: New Adamus Assassin Introduced

Game Workshop is bringing another assassin into the Horus Heresy mix with the Adamus Assassin.
The past few weeks GW and Forge World have been pumping out new assassins for the Horus Heresy. Today, we get another one with the Clade Adamus Assassin, the final Loyalist Assassin.
“The Adamus Clade is believed to be the oldest of the formal orders of Assassins, and its operatives are experts in the art of the decapitation strike – proving that old Terran adage about the body dying if you can kill the head. They study how their enemies fight, noting their strengths and learning their weaknesses, which they ruthlessly exploit. In game, the Clade Adamus Assassin is fast and absolutely lethal in melee, able to go toe-to-toe with almost any foe – and defeat them with their nemesii blade. “
The Adamus Assassin is the most “ninja” like assassin we’ve seen for the Horus Heresy. You can see how this version seems a lot like the precursor to many of the assassins we have in 40k. The fully black/sleek bodysuit, the cybernetic implants on their hands, the custom weapons — all the modern assassins take something from this model.
From looking at this model I guess we can infer which Assassin Clade was the most successful post-heresy era. Give this assassin an huge rifle or the Culexus headgear and he’s basically one of the modern ones. In anycase, if you want to check out this new assassin’s rules you can find them in the upcoming Liber Imperium book.
What do you think of the Clade Adamus Assassin?