Horus Heresy: Vanus Infocyte Assassin Coming Soon

Imperial Assassins were still around in the time of the Horus Heresy. And now we get a new one. Meet the Vanus Infocyte.
During the time of the Horus Heresy Imperial Assassins were organized into Clades. Apparently, there have been a Clade or two that has been lost to time. The Vanus Infocyte was one such Clade…until now.
“Operatives of the Clade Vanus use information as their weapon, processing staggering amounts of battlefield data and detecting enemy troops from the moment they arrive. Their advanced augury equipment can even peer into the noosphere – the veil of communication between machines and their controllers – and twist transmissions to their own ends.”
The Vanus Infocyte can turn their enemies weapons against them. They can ” intercept newcomers with a barrage from their own allies’ weapons.” That sure sounds like they are going to be able to mess with Deepstrikers. Furthermore, their abilities make them a great counter to the Traitor Taghamata units. Which is perfect because they only work for the Loyalists armies. Sometimes being a member of the Imperium has perks.
This “new” assassin will join the ranks of the others on the tabletop. However, it’s worth noting that in the lore these Infocytes have popped-up before this miniature.
“Readers of the Horus Heresy novel Nemesis will remember Fon Tariel, who took part in the mission to assassinate Horus, while the Infocyte Elixa de Mornay is mentioned in the short story To Kill a Dark King – and the Unbound Infocyte Iaeo duels with the Alpha Legion’s plotters in Tallarn.”
So there you go! I, for one, welcome our new Assassin Friends. Please don’t execute me.
Info IS the weapon!