‘House of the Dragon’ Episode 6: It’s a Whole New Cast, a Whole New Show

House of The Dragon Episode 6 takes us through a massive time jump.
We are past the halfway point of Season 1 of House of The Dragon. Episode 6 takes us through the first really big time jump. It’s been 10 years since the last episode, and we’ve gotten a lot of new characters. We’ve also switched actors on many of the major characters. Let’s take a look at what we’ve got going here, in what was a solid episode, but doesn’t fit well in this show.
Family Times at the Red Keep
There isn’t really a ton of “plot” in this episode. The bulk of the episode is introducing the new actors. We also get to meet a ton of new kids on the block. A ton of the major characters have kids now, that are grown up enough to join in the fun. The episode starts with Rhanerya giving birth to her third son Joffery. She has two older sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys. Meanwhile, Alicent has her two sons, Aegon and Aemond, as well as a daughter Helaena (who seems to have some bit of foresight).
The kids seem to mostly get along. Aegon, Jacaerys, and Lucerys all have dragons, but Aemond is teased for his lack. While the kids bicker like kids, Alicent and Rhanerya do not get along. The two are fully enemies here and moving against each other. The main issue is the rumored father of Rhanerya’s sons. Officially they are the children of Rhanerya’s husband Laenor. However, most think they are the sons of Harwin Strong, the commander of the city watch. In the book, this is left ambiguous, but here it’s pretty openly admitted. In fact, it’s only the king who refuses to admit this.
House of The Dragon Episode 6 Takes Us Across the Sea
Meanwhile, we check in with old Daemon. He has married Laena Velaryon and has two daughters with her. Laena is pregnant with a third child, and while there is some friction between them, it seems an amicable marriage at least. They have been in Pentos for some period of time, escaping the politics of Kings Landing. Laena and Daemon fight over an offer to remain in Pentos forever. However it comes to nothing, Laena has a bad childbirth and seems on the verge of death. Daemon is offered the same choice as Viserys in episode one, to cut open his wife to try and save the baby. He declines. Wishing to die a dragon rider’s death, Laena has her dragon burn her to death.
The Deaths Pile Up
Back in King’s Landing, old Criston Cole goads Harwin Strong into picking a fight with him. As a result, Strong is dismissed and sent home. His father, Lyonel Strong, also the Hand of the King, tries to resign in response to the rumors about him and the princess. The king won’t have it.
Rhanerya offers to make peace with Alicent and marry her son and heir Jacaerys to her daughter. But it’s rebuffed. Alicent goes to Larys Strong and complains about how she has no allies and misses her father. Larys then arranged to have his father and brother murdered when they visit their home. This leaves Rhanerya without the father of her children and the king without a hand, paving the way for the return of Otto Hightower. It also puts Alicent in debt to Larys.
Some Thoughts on House of The Dragon Episode 6
So overall this was kind of an odd episode. On its own, it was a very strong episode. The acting and plotting were pretty great. It did have to spend a lot of time introducing new characters and actors, but good overall. However, it was kind of divorced from the rest of the series.
Many of the characters, in particular, Alicent and Rhanerya, seem to be totally different. A lot of the characterizations have changed. In addition, there just wasn’t much connection to the end of the last episode. Criston Cole seems to have gone unpunished for murdering the Prince’s consort and ruining the royal wedding. The man murdered someone in cold blood and just… gets to go on with his life. And the person he murdered was a noble at a royal wedding. WTF.
This episode really made me feel like the season has been a little rushed. I know that’s kind of odd, given that some people think it’s slow. But I wish they have given the pre-time jump period more time to breathe. Two major relationships, Rhanerya and Harwing and Daemon and Laena, are glossed over. It really feels like we are missing an episode between this and the last one. What’s worse we have another ten-ish year time jump coming up. I wish we had gotten a whole season with the younger actors to really develop things first. Alas.
Let us know what you thought about this episode, down in the comments!