Last Chance! Take the ‘One D&D’s First Playtest Survey

One D&D’s first playtest survey is almost done. If you have feedback on how it’s going for WotC, now’s your last chance to let them know.
Wizards of the Coast will be closing their official playtest survey for One D&D’s Character Origins packet today. If you have played with, or even just read through the rules in Character Origins, then you have a chance to give WotC your feedback about the future of D&D.
Are you satisfied with the way things are going? Do you want to see some major changes made to the “d20 test”? Today’s the last day to fill in (or out) One D&D’s first playtest survey.
And lots of people have. According to WotC, more people playtested this first packet than the entirety of people who playtested 5th Edition. This makes sense, considering D&D is the biggest it’s ever been and shows no signs of slowing down.
If by some chance, you haven’t seen the new playtest packet, you can find it right here on D&D Beyond. Look for a new one shortly, but be sure and get your feedback in today!
One D&D Playtest Survey – Closing September 15th
If you’ve done one of these before, you know the drill. All you have to do is answer some multiple-choice questions. Tell them what you’ve playtested, and then you’ll have an opportunity to rate specific features on a scale of very dissatisfied to very satisfied.
And you’ll have the option on each of these to provide specific feedback. You can leave up to 200 words of feedback per category. So you can rant about how you think the new elves are the best and/or how Tieflings are boring for two hundred whole words! Each! Which is a lot!
This is, of course, the first of many. And from WotC’s commentary, we know they look at what is satisfying people and what doesn’t seem to pass muster. We’ve seen subclasses get revised within 6 months from Unearthed Arcana release to the final product. But 2024 is a ways off.
So whatever you think about One D&D’s new core rules change to races, backgrounds, and feats. Now’s your chance to let WotC know think.
Take the One D&D Playtest Survey
Happy Adventuring