Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Sentinels Coming To The Tabletop

The mutant’s worst nightmare is coming to the tabletop. Sentinels are heading to Marvel: Crisis Protocol!
Atomic Mass Games is showcasing the upcoming Sentinels for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Get ready for some of the biggest and baddest robots from the Marvel Universe to terrorize your tabletop!
“The devastating Sentinels are war machines designed to hunt down and destroy mutants. The Mark IV class are equipped with a variety of weapons systems, including plasma and electric blasts, catch-web cables, and remarkable levels of physical strength. Sentinels are incapable of being persuaded to deviate from their training; they pursue their captives with unrelenting tenacity until they accomplish their objective, which is the eradication of their mutant prey.”
Well, they sound lovely. Sentinels are pretty scary from the comics as they have been shown to be capable of coming in unending waves to wear down their targets or they occasionally surprise and overpower them in one fell swoop. They are, of course, classic enemies of the X-Men but looking at their profile they are going to bring all sorts of pain to the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
We actually have two versions of the Sentinels coming. The Mk4 and the Sentinel Prime Mk4.
First up, these bad bots are “a whopping size 5” and we’re not talking about shoes here. That’s massive. Their basic Plasma Blast is a “pay to pump” attack that can take it’s 4 strength up to 7. That’s enough to tickle the toughest fancy. For even more fun, when it’s on it’s damaged side, the Sentinel’s Plasma Blast also leaks damage out, because you know, they are tooootally safe.
They also have a suppression attack that hits at strength 8 and can induce Incinerate, Shock, and Slow. It’s the swiss army blade of attacks really. And while they are BIG they aren’t that fast. But that’s where their ranged attack of Restraint Cables comes in handy. Tag your targets and draw them in to finish the job.
“The MK4 also includes several innate powers to reflect its masterful creation and robotic nature. Master Mold allows you to take two of the towering robots instead of the normal limitation of one character per alter ego, to really put some fear into your opponent. Power Matrix, representing the immense power supply of the machine, gives the MK4 2 Power at the end of each of its activations—perfect for setting up a Restraint Cable on your next turn or for charging up a Plasma Blast. And the machine mind of the MK4 benefits from Sentinel Programming, which prevents it from being moved by Mystic attacks (or superpowers), while further bolstering its mystic defenses with 2 additional defense dice against mystic attacks. Telepathy, magic, and other such shenanigans mean nothing to the might of the machine!”
And if that’s not enough, they can Fly, and are immune to both Bleed and Poison. Ya know, because robots.
Now if you want to go EVEN BADDER than the Sentinel Prime MK4 is for you. First up, it just raises the strength bar for it’s Plasma Blast and Suppression Protocols by 1. It’s also not so leaky when it’s damaged. It’s basically better than the standard MK4 in every way. It’s also got the option for the Overloading Power Core which, when damaged, can boost you up to 5 power output a turn! There’s a chance it can take damage from that…but like we said before TOOTALLY safe.
But there’s really two more things that take the Prime to the next level: Mutant Hunters and Pattern Analysis. Mutant Hunters allows you to give power to other Sentinels. And Pattern Analysis show cases the adaptability of the sentinels by allowing it to hand out re-rolls for attacks or defense!
The Sentinels arrive October 14th! If you’re a mutant player, you have been warned…