Rumors Say GameCube Coming to Switch Virtual Console

The Switch virtual console could very well be getting GameCube games very soon with possible Zelda and Metroid remasters on the way too!
Pricing structure aside, the Nintendo Switch virtual console is pretty great. It’s got a bunch of great retro games and a bunch more bad ones. Even still, it’s a great addition to the console. But, according to rumors, it’s about to get even better.
Several sources who have, in the past, been reliable insider informants have stated we should be expecting an announcement later this month with regard to GameCube being added to the Nintendo Switch virtual library. This will likely coincide with the Nintendo Directed also rumored to be coming soon.
Zelda and Metroid Remasters
There has been speculation for a while that Nintendo is working on remasters for Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, and also Metroid Prime. So, all of this seems to point to the same conclusion. The GameCube is widely regarded as one of the best consoles ever, and if it means a more accessible Eternal Darkness, Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, or even Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, I’m all for it.
We Want Even MORE Consoles!
Based on patterns, it seems reasonable that Nintendo will continue to add additional consoles to the Switch. Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis were added in late 2021 to the NES and SNES already available. Considering the latest shutdown of the 3DS and WiiU virtual consoles, maybe they also make their way to the Switch?
As with all rumors, take it with a grain of salt. But unlike any sort of Half Life 3 rumors, this one actually makes sense. We can only hope this does happen since not enough people got a chance to really dig into Twilight Princess. It’s one of the better Zelda games that never reached Ocarina levels of fame, and I don’t know why.