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Take a Ride With This ‘Aladdin’ Magic Carpet Cosplay

4 Minute Read
Sep 7 2022

What do you get when you mash up Aladdin and his Magic Carpet? Let’s check out this Aladdin cosplay!

It’s another Arabian night – full of unexpected wonders! The world of cosplay has a clever way of creating new spins on beloved characters. This week, we’re featuring a hometown hero who is known for her fantastical cosplay creations, and we teamed up to bring her visions to life. We’re exploring the wonderful world of Disney with this Magic Carpet cosplay!

Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

Disney’s Aladdin was one of the first films I saw in theaters. With its astonishing visuals and gorgeous musical score, Aladdin quickly became an all-time favorite. The first cosplay I ever created was Princess Jasmine, but a friend of mine’s quirky personality spoke to a much more fun-loving character.

Mia St. Clair is a dear friend who specializes in original creations for her cosplay, and when we met up for our yearly photo retreat with AzulOx Visuals, she came with a specific mission in mind – the Magic Carpet.

Creating the Magic Carpet Cosplay

As the legend has it, Mia attended a convention and was gifted a painted vest by a patron. This inspired her to create a Magic Carpet cosplay. She arrived at our retreat with this gorgeous vest painted in the colors of the iconic Disney carpet, and I KNEW what we had to do. My specialty is historical costuming, and I happened to have a bag full of garb with me… and some of my weaponry as well.

With my Persian shamshir, my Armstreet Persian boots, and some Indian pants, Mia had everything she needed to bring her Magic Carpet to life! A few swirls of paint on her gorgeous face later, and we were ready to shoot. Our friend Josh had the perfect location handy, the historical Rattlesnake Canyon- and the rest is history. We hope you enjoy this creative take on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet!

Aladdin and the Magic Carpet are the inspiration for this cosplay!

Aladdin’s Magic Carpet Cosplay with Permission from Mia St. Clair, Styling by Mayhem’s Muse, Images by AzulOx Visuals

“Over, sideways, and under on a magic carpet ride.”
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

“Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don’t exit until the rug has come to a complete stop. -Genie as an airline attendant.”
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

Let’s make some MAGIC!!” -Genie
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

Lady: “Getting into trouble a little early today, aren’t we, Aladdin?”
Al: “Trouble? No way! You’re only in trouble if you get caught.”
Guard: “GOTCHA!”
Al: “I’m in trouble!
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

“You aren’t just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice.”
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

“Well, am I Sultan, or am I Sultan? From this day forth, the princess shall marry whoever she deems worthy.”
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

“You, uh, you don’t want to go for a ride, do you? We could get out of the palace, see the world.”
Aladdin’s Magic Carpet cosplay with permission by Mia St. Clair

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer? Know a Cosplayer you’d like to see featured? Send an email here!

Author: Jennifer Larsen
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