Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol Point Breakdown and Next Steps

The Chaos Daemon Combat Patrol is out in the wild. Let’s talk about some next steps for that army!
When Games Workshop released all the points as a free update we got to thinking — how do the previous Combat Patrols stack-up? In this series we’re going to revisit the older Combat Patrols, breakdown their points, and talk about where to build from that box. For previous breakdowns check the bottom of this article.
Let’s talk about the new Chaos Daemon Combat Patrol box. First and foremost, this might be labeled a “Chaos Daemon” Combat Patrol but really it’s Khorne Daemons. And yeah, you technically can run a Chaos Daemon Army built from the core of this box. But c’mon…we know what we’re looking at, right?
This box is essentially a Khorne Daemon Army and we’re going to fill out the rest of it with Khorne Daemons. The theme is already there. And if you wanted to use this army in both 40k and Age of Sigmar you just need to double check the points and you’re set!
Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol Point Breakdown
1x Bloodmaster – 60 points
3x Bloodcrushers – 120 + wargear
10x Flesh Hounds – 160
20x Bloodletters – 160 + wargear
Points Total: 500 + wargear
Now, as of the time posting these points haven’t been updated to reflect the new Chaos Daemons codex point values. So we’re going to update these points with the ones from the Codex and even do a comparison.
From The New Codex
1x Bloodmaster – 90 points
3x Bloodcrushers – 135
10x Flesh Hounds – 190
20x Bloodletters – 260, but unit size is capped at 10
Points Total: 675
So this may change how you build out the rest of your army. If you were basing the points off the previous version everything went up in points. On the flip side, you’ll need to buy less models now. So…win? I’d still opt to double down that gives you one big unit of Bloodcrushers, 40 Bloodletters split into 4 Troop slots, and between 2-4 units of Flesh Hounds depending on how you break them up. And two Bloodmasters. That puts us at 1350 points.
So what do you add next? Bloodthirsters.
This is a Khorne list so it’s not going to be super complex. You’ve got less options than previously and since we’re assuming you’re starting from scratch and might want to tweak your options later on down the road then Bloodthirsters are where it’s at. Games Workshop tweaked how Bloodthirsters work in the new book and upped their points cost to 310 each. You can make them Exalted which can add either 20, 35, or 40 points depending on which option you choose.
There’s also Skulbrand who clocks in at 330 points but can’t be Exalted. But that’s okay — he doesn’t really need it. We are just going to add both to our list. That puts us at 1990 points. This is a very no frills Khorne Daemon list. But we’ve got an awkward number of HQs now. So what can you do?
Well, we can drop 1 Bloodmaster and save 90 points. That’s going to free us up to turn our Bloodthirster into an Exalted version. We’re going with the 40 point option because we have the points now. That gives us another 50 points to play with (well, 60 technically). Why not take a Skull Altar?
It’s a fortification that adds a few things. First up, you can park your other Bloodmaster on it as counts as a transport. This also extends out the aura of the Bloodmaster thanks to it’s special rule. Next, it gives you another action for the Bloodmaster to commit to help you generate Warp Storm points. Personally, I think this is a great fit for the army and it adds something LoS blocking on the tabletop. I mean, it’s a target as well though. But if your enemy is attacking this they aren’t hitting something else.
The List
Bloodthirster (Exalted)
6x Bloodcrushers
10x Bloodletters
10x Bloodletters
10x Bloodletters
10x Bloodletters
10x Flesh Hounds
5x Flesh Hounds
5x Flesh Hounds
Skull Altar
Points Total: 1990
This isn’t a complicated list. And that’s probably a good thing! It’s got one job and that’s to take skulls. Once you get into combat you’ll find it does it’s job pretty well, too! You’ve got a lot of bodies on the tabletop to snag objectives and screen. Plus you’ve got this mean bubble of buffs from the Skull Altar.
When your Bloodthirsters make it to combat, they are going to tear through most things with little trouble. I wish I had more tactical options or advice here but I don’t. This is Khorne and this list is throwing bricks at people’s faces. Charge in and get messy. Just don’t forget about your new saves vs ranged combat!
Oh and don’t forget that this army can also be used in AoS. Just double check your points — you will need to adjust some things.
Previous Combat Patrol Point Breakdowns And Next Steps