Warhammer 40K: Five Questions We Need Answered In “The End & The Death”

The Siege of Terra is warping up soon, but we still have some major questions we need answered in “The End & The Death”.
After 16 years the Horus Heresy saga is nearing its end. When Horus Rising came out in 2006 I doubt many of us thought the journey would be so long, detailed, or interesting. Now the great Siege of Terra is rushing to a conclusion. Well, maybe not rushing. We recently learned that the upcoming 8th Book, The End & The Death will in fact be two volumes.
That’s right, it’s taking the hold Harry Potter/Twilight route and splitting the last book into two movies books. But that’s fine because this book has a lot to do, and a lot of threads to tie up. Here are just a few mysteries we need answered.
Whose Side Are The Dark Angels Really On?
The Dark Angels are one of the most mysterious chapters in the lore. While supposedly a Loyalist Legion, the truth is far more complicated. The Dark Angels were torn apart by the Horus Heresy and even within their formations, they don’t always seem to know whose side they are on. Their involvement in the Siege is pretty mysterious and it’s unclear who they are really working for, and what they are working towards. Some even think that the “loyalists” are the real traitors. So let’s get some answers!
How Does Malcador Die?
The Old 40K lore states that Malcador dies at the end of the Siege. While the Emperor confronts Horus, the Sigillite powers the Golden Throne. The effort of this kills him. It’s a clean story, but a little too clean for the Siege of Terra. We know too little about both Malcador and the Throne for this to be the whole story. I suspect there will be a twist here. It’s one I’m looking forward to.
Did Russ Stabbing Horus Matter?
Pretty much the whole of the book Wolfsbane is about Leman Russ trying and succeeding at stabbing Horus. Done with a special spear given him by the Emperor, this is supposed to do… something. However it doesn’t seem to have any long-term effect on the Warmaster. In the novel all Russ’s actions really do is get the Space Wolves taken out of the story. And yet, this seems like it might have been the Emperor’s plan. It’s implied he gave Russ the spear for just this purpose. So… what did it do? Did it really weaken Horus? What’s the pay off!
The Fate Of Ollanius Pius and His Group
For nearly the whole length of the Horus Heresy and now Siege of Terra books we have followed Ollanius Pius, John Grammaticus, and their friends and allies. This group includes psykers, perpetuals, proto-type Space Marines, and possibly Alpharius. They’ve all allied to do… something. To stop the Emperor, or kill him or prevent… something. Some of 40K’s oldest lore puts Ollanius at the final confrontation between He-Of-Terra and the Warmaster. But what happens there, and to the rest of the group? What their goals are remain a major mystery. This story ties into many other major mysteries, such as whose side the Alpha Legion is on, and what’s going on with Enuncia.
What Happened To The Perpetuals.
The Perpetuals are a powerful and secretive group that has operated behind the scenes through the Horus Heresy. Malcador, John, Ollanius, and the Emperor Himself are all part of this group. They are effectively immortal humans, often with powerful abilities. They have controlled human history from the shadows since the dawn of time. We know of at least 10 that were active during the Heresy. It’s implied that there were several more. One Damon Prytanis is confirmed dead, and another, Erda, appears to have been killed.
The fates of Malcador, The Emperor, and Vulkan are also known. However, that leaves at least 5 up in the air. Given that Perpetuals as a group seem to no longer be active in 40K (the few remaining are mostly creations of the Emperor) it will be interesting to see the final play of this group. What happens to them, and did they have any final plans?
Let us know what questions you want answered, down in the comments!