Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Necron Hexmark Destroyer

Do you remember when this guy was leaked? The Hexmark Destroyer 1.0 is a Hot Mess but here’s we can update his firmware!
The Hexmark is supposed to be some kind of cool assassin for Necrons just looked neat as heck. It was weird, unique, and maybe it might be good? Do you remember being disappointed when you saw the rules and thought – what is this thing going to even do? Pentridge Farms remembers and this ugly cookie should have been canceled a long time ago.
pssst, he’s hiding behind the monolith
Oof is 40k full of weird models that somehow don’t work. This happens to be one of the weird ones that just never fit. An odd Destroyer that doesn’t work within the shell that is the Necron codex – no matter how many buffs the book got thrown at it. This is supposed to be a teleporting Assassin that just wrecks things as it shifts in. Instead, the Hexmark Destroyer shoots some anemic pistols that might kill something, and if it dies it could shot again. Oh it has a scary overwatch… ooooh spooky.
The Hexmark Destroyer was supposed to be another cog in the Destroyer based army. Instead we just got a weird model that doesn’t do much other than sit in a box with your other terrible plastic choices. I know I got one somewhere wrapped in plastic. Well what can we do to make it better?
Hexmark Destroyer Basic Idea
This guy is supposed to be an Assassin of sorts so let him get the best thing needed to be one – he should ignore Look out Sir. He comes in, busts a ton of shots into a character and hopefully kills it. So it needs to Ignore Look out Sirs to be able to do that. This is just Step one in making the Hexmark Destroyer a murder machine. Oh and make those pistols scary – give it AP -3 to -4 so it is a true threat. You don’t need to up its damage as it shoots 6 times – but let it be something you have a hard time to save against. I know the datasheet is hampered by being from the early times so just do a quick update to let it be slinging hot green fire.
Make the Hexmark Scary!
Now let it pick a Character target and get a bunch of bonus’s when it shoots at that particular target. Give it exploding 6’s, 6’s to wounds cause mortals, and other fun nonsense. Let him be able to come down past turn 3 and each turn he waits his damage gets better. So when he does make it into this reality he is gonna make the character pucker up as his pistol start slinging green death energy. Especially if you do other fun things like its intended target doesn’t get Invulnerable saves versus the pistols.
Let Him Teleport…Again
If he kills his targeted enemy let him teleport again as he jumps away like some crazy bad ass murder machine. He pops away, either back into the ether or just another section of the board – satisfied with a job well done. This extra movement could be really cool and you could just utilize him to hold objectives or just be somewhere you need him to be. These shifts of movement give a lot more action to a single unit model too and those are the things that make it more interesting.
Just Make It Match Its Fluff
The Hexmark Destroyer is supposed to be a very mean murder robot and let it be that way. Heck I would even let it have another version that is an assault version that does something similar. The Assassin idea from the Imperium is something that could easily transfer to Necrons. Especially those hellbent with the Destroyer Virus. Why not let this be something unique like the pistol assassin, long range killing machine, or a close combat murder bot. There is a lot of things you could do to make him better.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!