Warhammer 40K: New Khornate Teasers For The World Eaters

We get a look at some of the brand new bits for the World Eaters — and a teaser for things to come.
Games Workshop already showed off the new World Eater Khorne Berzerker models and they look pretty sweet. Now, we’re getting a look a few of the other bits you can expect to see for the World Eaters line.
“These ferocious troops are packed with all the World Eaters stylings we know and love – and the Blood God’s champions are taking things a step further.
It’s time to take a sneak peek at some truly brutal pieces from this and a few of the other upcoming World Eaters kits to see what makes these particular devotees of Khorne unique.”
Khorne World Eaters Bits
Starting at the top, we’ve got heads! The Classic Khorne Bunny Ears got a revamp so if you want to go that route as a nod to the classics, you can. Alternatively, we’ve got some new helmetless heads coming, too. I really like the rebreathers with teeth! Those looks pretty imposing. Plus, you get a closer look at the Butcher’s Nails implants as well.
Their pauldrons are also changed from previous incarnations. They have one pauldron that is smaller and more angular — not unlike Cataphractii armor. This allows them greater range of motion for the slicing and dicing with those massive Chain Axes!
Speaking of Chain Axes, we have a closer look at two of them in the kit. I’m digging the two handed version! I also like the armor buckles as they are nods to the gladiatorial roots of the World Eaters.
And naturally, they are going to be adorned with Skulls because 1) this is 40k. And 2) they are followers of Khorne and he’s a big fan of the Skulls. But now, for the big teaser…
Now here’s where we get the biggest tease so far. What the heck are we looking at? Here’s what GW had to say:
“10,000 years of exposure to the warp will leave its mark on anyone – and horns, claws, and teeth burst out of armour plates as the World Eaters’ attire twists to suit their bestial nature. These parts are clearly meant for vicious close-combat machines, and mark particularly savage fighters as people to avoid – as if the massive chainblade wasn’t enough of a warning.”
Okay then. Well the face is clearly a Berzerker who’s hit the next level in daemon possession. You can tell from the Butcher’s Nails. The chest piece reminds me of the Possessed. Not the new ones, the older ones.
Mutated by the Warp with teeth and claws coming out of all sorts of places, you can see where I’m going here. But the bit that is really throwing me for a loop is the Chain Fist.
We typically only see Chain Fists on Terminator type models. Could this be a version of a Chaos Mutilator? Or maybe it’s a tease of the Red Butchers coming in plastic!
Honestly, I’m good either way. I’ll take an updated Mutilator kit in plastic OR some new plastic Red Butchers, too. Both would be ideal. I do hope GW is setting us up for even more Khorne World Eater models and units in the future. I can’t wait to see what else GW has planned for that army.
I can’t wait to redo my World Eaters. Who’s coming with me!?