WotC Files an Injunction Against ‘TSR LLC’ to “Prevent Harm to Brand”

Wizards of the Coast has filed an injunction against TSR LLC, Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum, and Justin LaNasa.
The legal battle brewing between Wizards of the Coast and the 3rd company to bear the TSR name, TSR LLC heats up with a new court filing. Late last week, WotC filed an injunction against TSR, LLC. Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum LLC., and Justin LaNasa, seeking to prevent the release of an upcoming Star Frontiers remake.
WotC’s Injunction calls on the court to prevent LaNasa and/or his companies from “publishing, distributing, or otherwise making available Star Frontiers New Genesis or any iteration of the game.” Not only because it uses WotC’s trademarks, but because the company could suffer “irreparable harm” owing to the content within.
WotC Files Injunction Against TSR, LLC
Wizards of the Coast filed a motion for a preliminary injunction on September 8th with the US District Court in Seattle. The motion for a preliminary injunction lays out some of the specific issues WotC has cited against the newest TSR.
The reason for the injunction is to keep WotC from being “irreparably harmed” by the content within the newest TSR’s Star Frontiers playtest document. Including content WotC alleges is transphobic and racist.
Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendants’ to-be-released Star Frontiers New Genesis game contains despicable content including blatantly racist and transphobic content.
[…] Wizards would be irreparably harmed by the publication and distribution of the game using its trademarks because consumers may mistakenly associate Wizards with the reprehensible content of the game, damaging its reputation and goodwill and undermining its efforts to foster a culture that embraces diversity around its games.
And as WotC outlines, back in July TSR LLC released a playtest document of Star Frontiers New Genesis. The document uses many of the trademarks WotC still owns. As well, the document includes a disclaimer warning the doc away from prying eyes at Hasbro.
“This is not to be given, released and handed to anyone associated with Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro.”
But the content beyond that is offensive. Fair warning. Here’s just a snippet from the filing, presented in the interest of outlining the seriousness of WotC’s claims:
Previously, Justin LaNasa and the latest TSR, LLC. sought to sue WotC to prevent them from inserting a disclaimer acknowledging the racism of older D&D products in legacy books like Oriental Adventures. WotC claims the actions of TSR go against their philosophy of inclusivity. A preliminary injunction would take effect immediately before any further hearing.
The motion is noted for consideration on September 30, 2022.
Check back then for an update on the developing story