Age of Sigmar: 5 Battle Box Pairings We Want

Everyone loves Battleboxes for Age of Sigmar so here are 5 fights we’d love to see in the future!
Games Workshop has shifted the way they are doing releases in the past couple years. We’ve seen them release Battleboxes featuring two armies who are about to get the Battletomes updated and it’s been fun to see which armies get paired up. Today, we’re wishlisting a bit and choosing some armies that we think would make for a fun Battlebox paring.
Note: We’re going to focus on armies that haven’t seen a new AoS 3.0 release yet. And we’re doing these in no particular order.
Blades of Khrone vs Ossiarch Bonereapers – The Battle of the Skulls
The Ossiarch Bonereapers love their tithes of bones — that includes the skull. Khorne is notorious for collecting Skulls. Maybe these two forces get together to compare collections and things just get out of hand. What starts as a friendly rivalry becomes a massive battle for the bones of their enemies! Okay, joking aside I think the pairing of these two armies would be really fun. Also it would be interesting to see the disciplined ranks of the OBR face off against the raw rage of the Blades of Khorne.
Dawnbringer Crusades vs Gloomspite Gitz – Day vs Night
The Gloomspite Gitz worship the Bad Moon. The Dawnbringer Crusades are all about spreading the “light of Sigmar” around the realms. Hopefully this two armies get to face off in a battlebox as a fight between Day and Night. I don’t know if the Gloomspite players would want to wait for the Dawnbringer army to get finished before they got a new book…but I still think this would be a great pairing.
Beast of Chaos vs Flesh-Eater Courts – Where’s the Beef!?
I know the Flesh-Eater Courts get positioned as cannibals on account of the cannibalism…but what if they got a taste for Beef? Think about it: Beasts of Chaos are Beast-MEN, and also they have a lot of meat on those bones. Flesh-Eater Courts are just hungry for, well, flesh. Seems like beef would be a great alternate menu option for the FEC…just don’t expect the Beast of Chaos to give up their meat so easily.
Kharadron Overlords vs Hedonites of Slaanesh – All That Glitters is Aethergold
Look, the Kharadron Overlords are Sky-Pirates at the end of the day. Pirates are a greedy lot. And all that greed can lead to certain excesses…which is where the temptations of Slaanesh come into play. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine these to forces facing off over some treasure horde. Maybe it was a Slaaneshi trap to lure the greedy in or maybe it’s a legit horde of aethergold. Either way, pirates on a treasure hunt seems pretty cool to me!
Seraphon vs Soulblight Gravelords – Creeping Death
Alright…I’ll be honest I don’t have a good reason for this pairing. There two were basically the last on my list and honestly, they just got mashed together. But maybe the Soulblight Gravelords got their hands on some artifact of power from the Seraphon and Lord Kroak has ordered it’s recovery. Or maybe the vampires got a taste of that Space Lizard Blood and want more. It’s almost a conquistador style fight with the armored knights of the Gravelords vs the Mezo-American styled Seraphon.
If you could pick two armies to fight in a battlebox which ones would you pair and why?