Age of Sigmar: The Balance Battlescroll Has Arrived

Games Workshop has delivered the Balance Battlescroll as well as a TON of FAQ updates today. Get ready for some more shifts to the Meta!
So yesterday I wrote up an article poking the bear a bit. I wondered where the AoS Balance Battlescroll (the big balance document for the next few months) was at. Well, it’s here! Games Workshop has delivered some big changes ahead with some more balance tweaks as well as points changes. Oh and whole lot of FAQs also hit the shelves, too.
Balance Battlescroll Arrives
Download the Battlescroll Here
Why the above image is the summary of the major changes there’s also a TON of points changes in the update as well.
Many of these points shifts were there to help push players either away or toward certain units. Many of these changes came down to pick rates with the more popular or over performing units getting a points increase while less chosen options got a decrease. In other cases, it was really just a rebalancing of points based on unit value.
If you’re looking for a more detailed breakdown GW covers most of these changes in their article. We’ll have more commentary on those changes later. In the meantime, the Design Team at GW has also been hard at work on a flurry of FAQs as well.
This isn’t even all of them. But I do think it’s funny that the Ossiarch Bonereaper’s Errata was updated in the 20th month of 2022…
If you’re playing AoS you definitely want to hop over to the FAQ page and see if your army got an Errata. Odds are good that it did!
We also have a quick look at the Win Rate data once again. Now, some of the top and bottom armies do have either Battletomes that just released or are about to have new ones. Hopefully that “fixes” their rates a bit. GW is going to hold off on tweaking the newer Battletome armies (see: Sons of Behemat) while they gather more data on how the new book performs.
Games Workshop also specifically called out the potent new Krondspine Incarnate. It’s been a force to be reckoned with for sure and has some strong synergy with a few armies out there. The points increase will make the choice to include one a bit more costly.
There’s lots of data to chew on and changes to digest. Get in there and see what’s new for your armies!