‘Dimension 20: Neverafter’ is a Dark D&D Fairy Tale

The next season of popular D&D actual play series, Dimension 20 is looking pretty Grimm. Check out the dark faerie tale that is: Neverafter.
Dimension 20 announced its newest season earlier this week. Dimension 20: Neverafter promises to bring horror and dark, brooding reinterpretations of classic fairy/faerie tales to the table. As they embark on an adventure that will take 5th Edition to its horror extremes, tune in to see how your favorite frog prince or wooden puppet boy might do.
And if you are among the uninitiated into Dimension 20, here’s a brief overview about why you’ll want to tune in. Dimension 20 is an actual play series on Dropout.tv, featuring the CEO of Oreo, Tide, and various other companies, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and a cast drawn from Dropout and College Humor’s finest performers.
These actual plays put 5th Edition through its paces, with a focus on finding delightful moments that arise through storytelling—but most importantly through gameplay. Mulligan is a fantastic DM and is at his best when designing hellacious combat encounters or cool setpiece battles that remind you of the best moments in D&D. They’ve done multiple seasons, though you
can watch all of Fantasy High (a John Hughes-esque take on D&D) Season 1 on YouTube linked above.
Or jump in with the newest season: Dimension 20 Neverafter.
Dimension 20: Neverafter Trailer
With the tagline “Not all fairy tales end happily ever after” the stage is set for a gothic Grimm adventure. Watching the trailer you can see some familiar faces with a new interpretation.
Possibly my favorite is Lou Wilson, human treasure, as Pinocchio.
You can see Pinocchio is missing his trademark wooden nose. Splintered, perhaps, after one too many lies. Or there’s Emily Axeford as Ylfa Snorgelsson, a young wolf-eared girl who wears a red riding hood of some kind and carries a wickedly sharp woodcutter’s axe.
If you like dark faerie stories, this is the one for you. Expect a lot of “in the original…” gruesomeness to be in play here.
Dimension 20 Neverafter launches November 30th on Dropout.tv, so be sure and sign up.
And don’t forget to say hi intrepid heroes