D&D: Don’t Miss ‘Dragons of Stormwreck Isle’ at Your FLGS

D&D’s newest Starter Set hit your friendly local game store earlier, don’t miss Dragons of Stormwreck Isle!
D&D’s newest Starter Set is out for wide release, now at your FLGS. Now you can adventure with Dragons of Stormwreck Isle in the same room a heated Friday Night Magic rules “debate” breaks out. Which is honestly what it means to play D&D. At the heart of every table lie countless arguments over rules interactions.
Which you’d know if you pick up the New Starter Set, which has been specially designed to welcome new players and new DMs to the world of D&D. Check it out!
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle – $19.99
The Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is your gateway to action-packed adventures in the cooperative storytelling game Dungeons & Dragons, where heroes battle monsters, find treasure, and undertake epic quests.
This box contains the essential rules of the game plus everything you need to play heroic characters caught up in an ancient war among dragons as they explore the secrets of Stormwreck Isle.
- 48-page adventure booklet with everything you need to get started
- 32-page rulebook for playing characters of levels 1–3
- 5 ready-to-play characters, each with a character sheet
- 6 polyhedral game dice
Check it out, and don’t forget to read our full first impressions. But in a nutshell, the game is geared at bringing players more into their characters. Which is why every character has their own motivation.
You can feel the shift in how the D&D writers/designers have thought about what makes an adventure. The background information is a little more robust; there’s a backstory involving an ancient red dragon that was imprisoned beneath the ocean floor.
And already we get a sense of the magic at the heart of this adventure. This is a place of power. The imprisonment of the dragon, Sharruth, is said to have caused volcanic activity near Stormwreck Isle. And in Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, the characters have come to this place in search of specific goals.
Happy Adventuring!