D&D: Knights of Solamnias and Mages of High Sorcery – New Backgrounds in ‘Shadow of the Dragon Queen’

Want a closer look at the new options in the upcoming Dragonlance book? Check out the new backgrounds in Shadow of the Dragon Queen.
WotC peeled back the curtain just a little from the upcoming Shadow of the Dragon Queen adventure set in the world of Krynn. During the War of the Lance, heroes will be called upon to thrilling heroics. And while heroes can come from anywhere and any class, even the more traditionally non-Krynn ones, will be available… there are a few new concepts that ground characters in the Dragonlance world.
And earlier this week, WotC gave us a glimpse of two of them. Here’s a look at the two new backgrounds in Shadow of the Dragon Queen: the Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High Sorcery.
And like all new backgrounds from this point going into One D&D, these backgrounds come with new feats. Each feat opens the door to more. But each background and its feat are connected to another special rule introduced in the adventure, which grants you more feats at higher levels.
Though don’t despair, even if you aren’t one of these new backgrounds, you’ll still get a free feat at 1st level and at higher levels as you participate in the War of the Lance. It’s really cool to see Feats as reward for campaign play. This is one of my favorite unspoken tools in the DMs toolbox. And WotC official embracing them is a great reminder for folks out there.
It’s also good because the combat encounters are explicitly harder as a result. For now though, let’s look at the new backgrounds.
New Backgrounds in Shadow of the Dragon Queen
First up, the Knights of Solamnia. These are orders of knights who are tasked with protecting the realm of Solamnia, as the name suggests. But they are a number of orders that are past their prime. Their esteem has waned, with many Knights taking the blame for the Cataclysm. Seen as vestiges of a bygone era, these knights are more withdrawn and inner-focused.
But as a Solamnian Knight, you have access to more tools and training than other martial types. When last we saw Solamnian Knights, they earned the Squire of Solamnia feat for free, which feels like it’s still true in the adventure.
When last we left the feat, it was in an interesting spot as it came with a mounted combat ability, a reaction to grant advantage on a saving throw, and proficiency training (this last was largely useless on most classes taking the feat). Hopefully, it’s been polished up a bit for the final form.
But what’s really intriguing are, of course, the Mages of High Sorcery.
Renamed so that they’re now no longer Wizard-exclusive, Mages of High Sorcery grants you the ability to join an exclusive magic school. In standing with Krynn’s long traditions, you gain access to a new feat )which grants you bonus cantrips and 1st level spell) as well as providing the foundation for future initiation into one of the three Towers of Sorcery.
But players will be especially interested to know that they can undertake the Trials of Sorcery in-game. That’s right. You can take a deadly challenge for your squishy mage. This is great because it finally implements the cool parts of the setting players long for.
All amid the backdrop of an ongoing war.
Stay tuned for more Dragonlance previews!