D&D: The Spooooookiest Magic Items – BOO!

Even the most humble magic item can be a source of dread and terror in the right hands. Here are some of the spookiest magic items in D&D.
Now that spooky season is here, the time has come to bedeck yourself in the garb of the season. After all, ghouls and ghosts and other ghastly goblins shouldn’t be the only ones making people run in terror. With the right equipment, you too can be terrifyingly eldritch.
Join us as we check out some of the spookiest magic items in D&D.
Dread Helm
The Dread Helm is one prime example of how a common magic item can have uncommonly good effects. While wearing this fearsome steel helm your eyes glow red. Let everyone know that you’ve got otherworldly power without even trying. Wear this and you’ll already be standing out in the crowd.
Cloak of the Bat
Become darkness. Become the night. With the Cloak of the Bat, you’ll be as stealthy as a shadow. You’ll gain advantage on any stealth checks you make, and while in dim light or darkness, you can use the cloak to fly.
Prove to everyone that, while you might not have been born in the darkness, you adopted it quite well. Especially when you use the cloak’s ability to transform into a bat, able to fly or escape or do anything else a bat can do. So, no spinning webs or catching villains just like flies. That’s Spiders.
Iron Flask
An Iron Flask is a terrifying magic item for another reason entirely. Remove the brass stopper from this bottle, and you can capture a creature from another plane with a single word. And it will hold that creature indefinitely, trapped in a place where it doesn’t need to breathe, eat, or drink, and doesn’t age. It also must obey your every command for an hour straight.
Coming across one of these is also a terrifying prospect because you never know what it might hold. It could be something like a trapped Solar, but it could also be a demon or devil or worse.
Wand of Fear
This skull-tipped wand is terrifying for the simple reason that it creates a literal Cone of Fear. Any creatures caught within it are frightened if they fail a save.
But they’re extra frightened. While affected by the wand, they must spend their turns trying to move as far away as possible, unable to take actions or reactions or do anything but take the Dash action. Or Dodge action if it’s cornered.
Sphere of Annihilation
A black hole from which there is no escape. This is a whole in the multiverse. Absolute nothingness that can disintegrate whatever matter touches it in moments.
It’s basically a singularity and who doesn’t fear those?
Happy Adventuring