Horus Heresy Next Week – Predators, Paladins, And Praetors

Next week, the Horus Heresy unleashes ancient relics from bygone days to once more wreak destruction upon the world.
Things are heating up for the Horus Heresy with a wave of new releases coming up for pre-order release next week. Everything from heavy tanks to heavy armor will be clanking your way soon.
So without further ado, let’s take a look at next week’s Horus Heresy pre-orders.
Horus Heresy Heavies: Predators Paladins And Praetors
A new Predator pattern rolls out next weekend. Armed with some of the Legions’ strongest weapons, the Deimos Pattern Predator comes with a variety of options. The kit contains an executioner plasma destroyer, magna-melta cannon, flamestorm cannon, heavy conversion beam cannon, and neutron blaster.
Meanwhile, the legendary Dark Angels hero Corswain swoops onto the battlefield and into our hearts. He is a wonderfully detailed Forge World resin miniature who combines “strategic brilliance and swordsmanship” all in a single, crusadery package. Corswain is a Paladin of the Ninth Order. And he was hand picked as Seneschal to hunt down Typhus of the Death Guard. Which will probably go well for him. Can’t foresee any problems there.
Speaking of Death Guard, though. The Death Guard get their own Legion Praetors this weekend. Armed with power scythes and power weapons that still bear the markings of the Dusk Raiders from back before they fell to Chaos, the Death Guard Praetors put the heft in hefty armor.
Accompanying all of these, MkVI upgrades for your favorite chapters. Assuming your favorite chapters are Death Guard or Blood Angels.
You’ll find a big variety of heads and shoulders. If you want knees and toes, you’ll have to supply your own. But presumably you have those on the miniatures you’re putting these heads and/or shoulder pads on.
All this proves that they really don’t make ’em like they used to