‘House of the Dragon’ Episode 8: Not a Good Week for Faces

House of The Dragon Episode 8 puts the final pieces in place.
After the family drama of last episode we’ve got another time jump. The episode is really the setup for the final move before the Dragons will Dance.
The Heir of Driftmark
House of The Dragon Episode 8 starts with the news that the Sea Snake is injured and may be dying. This sets off a succession crisis on Driftmark. The Sea Snake’s brother, Vaemond Velaryon thinks the lordship should be his. He points out that Queen Rhanerya‘s kid is a bastard and shouldn’t get the lordship. Rhaenys thinks she should get it if her husband dies.
As a result, all the characters head to the Red Keep to plead their cases. There they find the keep transformed into a grim monastery-like place. The king is too sick to rule, so Otto Hightower and Alicent are in charge. It’s clear they will side with Vaemond, thus gaining an ally, and discrediting Rhanerya’s sons. However, at the last minute, the ailing Viserys has his greatest moment and shows up to rule over the debate. He confirms Rhanerya’s sons as true born. Vaemond won’t shut up about it, so he loses his head. What seemed to be a major blow to Blacks instead turned in their favor.
House of The Dragon Episode 8 Give Us a Last Supper
Having solved the issue of Driftmark the king is on a roll. He invites all his family to a nice dinner. There he makes an appeal to them to put aside their grievances and come together. The House of the Dragon must remain strong. If nothing else he loves all of them, and they all love him. This should be enough.
For a moment it seems like it might be. Alicent and Rhanerya seem like they are on the verge of patching things up. Everyone is getting along and playing nice. But as soon as the king is out of the room the young kids take up bickering and the brief peace ends. Despite this Alicent and Rhanerya try to agree to heal the rift. Alicent then visits the king and delirious and thinking he’s talking to his daughter he tells her part of the Song of Ice and Fire prophecy. Alicent interprets this as meaning he wants her son Aegon to be king and leaves. House of The Dragon Episode 8 ends with the king dying, having had one truly happy dinner.
Some Thoughts on House of The Dragon Episode 8
This was a very character-driven episode and as such there wasn’t a whole ton of plot.
Damn, I’m going to miss Viserys, Paddy Considine has been absolutely amazing in this series. Deamon helping him to the throne was an amazing moment in an episode full of them. Despite all the shit he gets Daemon has always been a loyal brother.
I like that even here we get one last chance for Alicent and Rhanerya to make peace and prevent the coming conflict.
That’s it for House of The Dragon Episode 8, I’m off to pour one out for the truest king we’ve seen in GoT. RIP to the sexy tapestries.
Let us know what you thought about this episode, down in the comments!