Meg Turney ‘Dead by Daylight’ Adiris Cosplay is Viral

The Vommy Mommy is upon us. The Plague is personified in this gruesome Dead by Daylight cosplay by Meg Turney!
Action-based survival horror games have been wildly popular in the last decade or so. With franchises like Resident Evil and Silent Hill driving audiences to sleep with the lights on, it’s no surprise that Dead by Daylight is such a visual feast for players around the world. The game seduced celebrity personality and cosplayer Meg Turney to create a horrifying artist collab this Halloween season.
You might know Meg Turney from her steamy video sets with cosplay legend Jessica Nigri. She’s a cheeky cosplayer with a life of taking nerdy franchises and characters and putting a sexy spin on them. For today’s special Halloween feature, she’s going screen-accurate with her embodiment of Adiris, or The Plague, from Dead by Daylight.

The cosplay shoot has a massive (and impressive) team of creatives on board. From prosthetics and makeup to sets, props and backdrops, this shoot is incredibly thorough. The textures pop off the page, bringing some seriously spooky results. We hope you have an epic Halloween planned, and that you enjoy this Dead by Daylight Cosplay set by Meg Turney and team!
Dead by Daylight Adiris Cosplay with permission by Meg Turney

Adiris Cosplay with permission by Meg Turney

Dead by Daylight Cosplay with permission by Meg Turney
The Team behind the Dead by Daylight Adiris Cosplay
Cosplayer: Meg Turney
Photography: Martin Wong
Sets: Alyssa Kathryn Dyke
Props: Red Wake Studio
Prosthetic Sculpts and Fabrication: Anna the Artist and ATXFX
Application and Paint: Anna Fugate-Downs, Jason Vines, Madison Miller, and Victoria King
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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