Okay, Hear Me Out – Gamer Goo is Actually a Great Product

I know, I know. But I’m being serious. Gamer Goo is really great. And it’s not a sex thing. I promise.
First off, before anyone calls me out on it. This is not a sponsored post. Gamer Goo has no idea I’m writing about their product. I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart. And because it’s a fun product name. And it actually works really well.
Gamer Goo is a product that advertises a cut down on sweaty palms during any particularly intense gaming sesh.
I’ve always been a pretty sweaty guy overall, and more so in my palms. Not that anyone does couch co-op anymore. But back when that was a regular thing, I always felt awkward and anxious when I had to hand the controller off to someone else. I even wore finger-less gloves a few times, but that got in the way pretty bad.
Somewhere along the line, I discovered Gamer Goo. And just to prove I’m legit, here’s the bottle that I use.
I will say Gamer Goo is not for everyone. If you follow the directions as stated, it definitely does cut down on the amount of sweat. But, as a counter-action, it makes your hands kinda chalky. But that never really bothered me much. Ultimately, it definitely comes down to personal preference, if you think that’s worth it or not.
I’ve been using Gamer Goo for about a year now and I probably will continue to for a while yet. The bottle advertises things like “improves grip” and “eliminates slipping”. I suppose that’s ultimately true. But I mostly enjoy the use of the product since it cuts down on the amount of time I have to wring out a controller before I put it down.
You can also pick up a few sample packs if you’re curious to try them out. But for just a few bucks more, you can go for a good size bottle that will last a while.