Put Your Hands in the Air for this Imperial Fists Cosplay

These siege warfare specialists are loyal to a fault, and we’re celebrating with this week’s Imperial Fists cosplay feature!
The world of Warhammer 40k is a deep and vast archive of lore. The myriad factions for and against the Emperor of Mankind provide rich fodder for fans around the world. There are few as loyal as the Imperial Fists, and this week we’re here to feature an incredible cosplay of these noble and patient warriors.

“The Imperial Fists were the VII Legion of the original twenty Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch is Rogal Dorn. The Legion remained loyal during the Horus Heresy, after which it was reorganised according to the Codex Astartes and divided into Chapters. The Imperial Fists have maintained an intense rivalry with the Iron Warriors since prior to the Horus Heresy, with whom they share a specialisation in siege warfare. The Imperial Fists are recognised to be among the most loyal Chapters to the Emperor and have been instrumental in holding the Imperium together during the bleakest of times with renowned stubborn resilience.[16a] Because of their service to the Imperium, especially their role in leading the defense of Terra during the Horus Heresy, the Imperial Fists are also known as the “Defenders of Terra.””
-Lexicanum, Imperial Fists
Em Johnson of Limestone Forge-Props and Cosplay is a cosplayer from North East England. They specialize in some pretty epic Warhammer 40k cosplays. Their work includes some gorgeous light effects that bring the cosplay to life in exciting new ways. They recently attended the Warhammer Open Day, showing off this fierce Space Marine cosplay. To their glory and the glory of him on earth!
Imperial Fists Cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Imperial Fists cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Imperial Fists cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay
Cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Imperial Fists cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay

Imperial Fists cosplay with permission by Limestone Forge Props and Cosplay
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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